Doceuber 509 1937. NeGraw-ll311 Book Com, 350 West 42nd 5 New York Citys oe This will acimowledge your lotter of Decauber as shied kotionnis I have mot opemed the last box of your express shipaont because J had no place in my hane to uapack all of the books, and I thought that they were in better shape in the contaimer, so I have mot checked the shigaent and this oe ee ee 7 “I veseuber the six wrapped separately because they ware in one of the eartons that I opened. i an very sure that your firna's court is correct, and < am not even cheelding on the shipe mentite Ian sorry, however, that I bothered you with this details Regarding the Ae Gs Spalding Brothers store of vidi Cia Sie te wees te Caer eens Ge es and that is the reason that I thought ae letter from you to Spaldings Sight pull Weteenian to. Soe Bucs City obere whit 16 senehring ee ee ee i thought — in Cent way 20. mgs etiemdate Gan to aetivatys John Doyle 4s en especially goc and I an Pigidhcineg Pyne Reval wag otiislp ot nentay e f Saith, of station WREN, continues to boost the beck, aa hee the Journal-‘orld, a local newspapers Fe elt Ayano Pegg ct goad them a book, but I wderstand their ue eae Ge on Thank you so muohs » four FOA:AH Director of Physical Educatione