Mrs CeO» Burnside | Page Two ) Nove 12, 1940 : Kansas played a scrappy, upehill game, but in my opinion they were lucky to get away with only a twoetouchdowm margin against theme Oklahoma was penalized for clipping when the ball was in the air; they fumbled a good many times at very critical junctions, and all in all I would say a 13 to O score was @ happy ending to uneven competition physically. But so much for thate _ Harold Keith was up and kidded Horace Mason into a statement that it would be a cince for Kansas in basketball this year, and Horace was dunb to collaborate with him in Bob Busby's columm, saying that it was just another joyride for Kansas this year without much Oppositione Oklahoma has iy. Corbing Scheffler, an all-state Illinois star from Springfields and another one ‘that I know of, and Bruce Drake has confidentially stated that he will have a better ball team this year than he had last. I do not believe it but I would like the information that you can give me at an early date so that Mr. Drake cannot hand me the championship upon a platter. I want to hand it back to him with a perusal of his personnels Thanking you for your kindness in sending me the information at an early date and wishing you and yours all the happiness that can come upon Thanksgiving and the Yuletide, I am, ' : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach | a