McGraw-HILL Book CoMPANY-ING. vo DP. Forrest C. Allen PAGE -2- DATE 12/16/37 I have the copy of Lowe & Campbell's "The Coach" which you sent me referring to Page 6 which is the story about the new book. It is true, a cut would have been better with the article and one has just gone for- ward to Lowe & Campbell for such purposes. However, we usually do not make cuts of our books until the jacket is ready, which is just before a book is pub- lished. In the future reviews, if people ask for cuts we usually send them after a book is published. T am taking care of all the complimentary copies you have recommended thus far, together with the various ones which you wanted for gift copies. This will total approximately 400 given away and I think, unless something special comes up, that is pretty liberal, to which I am sure you will agree. - I will have our Shivoing Department forward ) ae to you a dozen jackets and am sorry that some became damaged on the way. I also do not think the listing in the Index of advertisers of the Athletic Journal very important put when I talk with them I will bring the matter to their attention. In your letter of December 13 you say that it seems we cannot get information to all the populace regarding the book. [I am afraid that is true. There are going to be cases from time to time no matter how much advertising and promotion is done, that will over- look it. I note you have told Mr. Champlin to get in touch with us and we will care for him when he does. Sincerely yours, CW s MK