‘ fy Se : | 3 Z alee actemdiadge seecipt ef tare bows ty e@xpresse I am distributing these to some of the merchants dow town they are using them as displayse I am sure that we yee! publicity froa such a wide distribution E 98 j 43 Zam voury week pleased with the circular Tat Regarding the additions or corrections to the ee ee ee ae ee a oe send | : Seen i ane af Oe Gnd the See Goeaar ‘wees Pra teh Charles Cramer, were in the office yesterday and asked for a gloss \ of me so they could make a out and rm an additional story on the a eee en Deade Cee bad we Nets Khe ley 60 On bk had just arrived the might before and instead of coming up from Gardner, about 30 miles.away, to see the basketball game, he sat down by. the fireside and picked up my book expesting to sean over it a while and then rum up to the game. He said he got so cone founded interested in reading 4+ that he sat there wmtil midnight - without getting up. And you lmow, I really believe he told the a ee veracity. ae I am sending you a press=proof sopy of their First Aider. They brought one along yesterday. They are going to knock out some of the stuff they have in this issue and rum « good story on our publication, “Better Basketball". Yor that reason, I would appreciate it if you would mail'a scopy of the book to Frank Cramer. They will do us a lot of goods Frank tells me that he and Charlie ere mailing out 15,000 copies of this First Aider and they are holding this issue up wmtil they oan have a cut made and elaborate on the publication of the book. I have asked Charlie Cramer to send you 6 or 8 copies of the First Aider showe img Wis ctuts that they Sew yubting out regarding the beck - Pahoa ~— i x entdrely forgot Was Hanens City, Mos fe ia apo Dain of the Associated Press, end writes pein weihietd. avert. A letter . to him from you together with a copy of the book will be very helpe ful. ‘ie tab Mabonalas ahimauiie bed i. iron sport writer. I expect to Geo hin 1ined up with the AP in Now York in a short while, ? This fellow Charlie Grumich, on the AP, is a University of Missouri alwrause He is located in New York, of CoursGe