Arthur Je Daley, New York Times Bverett B. Morris, Ne Ys Herald Tribme Jack Curley, New York American Irving Te Marsh, N. Y. Horald Tritme We Ae Dill, Kee Harold Smith, Kensas City | Ae Me Kleinhoffer, Kansas City ©), | Munsey Magazine He Ve Porter - | es | = Grantland Rice and others wu wastage iu | Vernon "ping" Smith ; Lawrence Cy Ee McBride, Kansas City Be Co Quigley Sec Taylor, Des Moines = Ralph McGill, Atlanta Heyman Goldstien, Cleveland Dre Raymond Ae Kent, Louisville ‘Cole Robert Rossow, Culver Maj. John Le Griffith, Chicago Ste John, Dre John Brown end members éf BB Rules Come? Bus Hem, Okla. City Frederick Ware, Omaha Artie Eilers, St. Louis | John Bentley, Lincoln Carlos Hobbs, Topeka Cy Sherman, Lincoln Parke Carroll, Ke Ce Post Frank Cramer, editor The First Aider, Gardner, Kanse