‘Miss Ruth Baker, Lakeview Consolidated Schools, ~‘Battle Creek, pichigen. Dear Miss Baker: I em very sorry that we just haven't anyone to suggest fox bite wnaniay oh Pattie Oreck. Most of the boys are going ' inte the physical education programs under the direotion of Gene Tunney in the Navy, or in the Army, or Army mechanics. - I heve talked to Ralph Miller, and a mumber of other boys, pak Gag ea STL. pee inte Giese Jobe, or ti ctvilion Jobe until they are drafted. Where they can enlist, they are doing that. All the boys are looking toward the service. I don't know what the schools will do for teachers - we are in the same fix here with our faculty. — Ten just hastening off to a meeting, and will write you more fully some time later. I do appreciate your writing me and em sorry that 1 have no one to suggest. Sinserely yours, Diveiter of Physical Education and Recreation, — Basketball and Baseball Coach. —