October 25, 1957, Mr, Wi. J, Gartner, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 330 West 42nd St. Now York City, N.¥ Dear My, Gartner: it is not at all necessary, of course, thet you have the original diagr 4 51 and the corrected photostat of diagrem — 83 as @11 corrections have been made. and taken eare of, but for the purpose of having in your possession all copies and originals of the diagrams I am sending these two to you. Very cordially yours, — Direetor of Physieal Education, oNS » October 25, 1937. lir, Curtis W, McGraw, licGraweHill Book Coe, 5350 Yest 42nd Street, New York City, Neve Dear ir, licGraw: “ Thank you very much for your letter of October 20, with enclosures, I like both illustrations — very much. I am sending them back to you enthusiastically, O. K.ing them both. I agree with you that the lay-out wi be a most attractive and excellent one. Saturday I returned _ @ll the enclosures with the exception of the complimentary copy list of Bierman’s “Winning Football", I want to study this list a few days, if it is agreeable to you, and I will add my suggestions and coments on some of this group that I know personally, and i will add others and give you a reason for suggesting them, : I notice that you are t calling the book "Better Basketball", Did we both not agree that we would call it “Better Basketball, Incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales"? I do not want to appear tenaciously contrary over this thing, but the sub-title of “Technique, Tactics and Tales" carriss a lot more sales value than : merely “Better Basketball", : The "Technique" is the fundaments, "Tactics" are the plays put into action, and the "Tales" are stories of great s that we have played, I think you can feature _ | your advertising by playing up these three sub-titles. You will find that these inspirational stories will give a tre- mendous wallop with not only the smaller boys but the boy | who is still working for the near-divine and the impossible to happen, | oe it have had hundreds and hundreds of letters from people who read the story of one pet under inspire etional coaching in "Hy Basketball Bible". Coaches in the big time have told me that just before their most difficult game they have called their team together and read them the story of that game, : publishing it a success, So while dollars and cents are amportant in publishing the book, I do appreciate our ob- ligation to you in making this the best basketball sellor that has ever been published, | : 3 When TIT spoke at Teachers College this summer to ‘the group I mentioned the book, and upon every oecasion if I can find any reason for mentioning this new book I do 80, | Please forgive this long, tiresom letter, and do not feel that you have to acknowledge it, | | | I am expecting to buttress this Bierman list with a group of individuals that I think will do us a Lot of good. Ernie Quigley, the national league public relations man and chief of umpires, told mo that when he got a copy, if end when he did, that if you would write him and tell him the angles that you want stressed he would give some time to our book on his national radio hooltup. He is going to talk on sports and officiate some of the nation's high light games, and he said he would give us a break, I, ~ of course, will comment on this later, but I was just showe- ing you how I am cooperating in every possible way to get this book to the attention of the people. I think it will merit their nod, ; Very sincerely yours, PCALAH - = Direstor of Physical Education, 4 See & esos McGrRAw-HILL BOOK COMPANY: ING. —e: MARTIN M. FOSS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN PRESIDENT Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT FRANK L. EGNER buts PRL 5 ae 330 WEST 42nd STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT CURTIS W.McGRAW NEW YORK,NY. JOSEPH A.HYLAND VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER : PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT ana eneet ADDRESS LONDON HUGH J.KELLY WILLIAM E. HAWKE ¢ GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. : . SECRETARY.&ASST. TREASURER : TRADE DEPARTMENT October 20 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: First of all, I am enclosing herewith a layout for the jacket of BETTER BASKETBALL, You will note we plan to use the Kansas colors. The blue circle in the center denotes a half-tone illustration rather ‘than a drawing and was taken from the photograph enclosed herewith also. The illustration on the backbone of the jacket is from the other picture enclosed. Both pictures seem to me to be marvelous action pictures from the game and I really feel the layout an excellent one and most attractive. Will you return immediately because we want to start it in work. ogee IT acknowledge your letter of October 15 send- ing me an old clipping from the "Herald-Examiner" of Chicago which you send as a reminder for us to recall to Mr. Brown the comments he made on the BIBLE when we send him a review copy of BETTER BASKETBALL. This we will do. I would like a list of individuals to whom you think copies should be sent for review and pro- motion purposes. I enclose the list which we have used for the football books, a high percentage of which have already commented on all of them. The reviews on the recent Bierman book have been most favorable and most of this list will say something about it before the end of the season, as they did on Crisler and Little. Will you return this list. as soon as possible together with any additions you care to make. I might say that to every one on this list I wrote a personal letter asking that the Bierman pook be reviewed or commented on. I will, of course, do the same thing with the basketball book. McGraw-HiLt Book Company: INc. go Dr. Forrest C. Allen ~ PAGE -~2— pate 10/20/37 I also acknowledge your letter of October 16 enclosing your letter to Mr. Hyland, who now tells me that everything is in order and the various cut dummies, etc. are in hand or en route. I understand now the reason for your listing the BIBLE and your other book, which I had not thought of previously. I note that you will tell Smith-Grieves that it should be declared out of print at an early date. You might ask them, before you tell them to declare it out of print, how meny copies they have on hand so that we can find out the situation if they attempt to dump them on the market at a low price. However, if they only have a few hundred, I really think it will make little difference and I would not worry about it in any way. Will you get a letter off to them soon about this. I realize that there might have been up to the present, a little confusion as to the date of publication for BETTER BASKETBALL because in some of our earlier advertisements we were not sure of that date. Except for a few advertisements which have already appeared in September and October, there has been little publicity or advertising as yet con- cerning BETTER BASKETBALL. As soon as we come near the publication date, this will increase. We are now getting up our advertising copy and the November advertisements and promotion materzl will carry the publication date. We have had to be somewhat in- definite in earlier advertisements because one never knows a few months in advance, any exact dates. As to people like Alex Taylor, Lowe & Camp- bell, Spalding, etc., we do not try to promote the book by mail but actually have salesmen call. They rarely buy before they see the real book. That is particularly true of the New York stores. It would waste too much time to send you our copy of what we plan. You may rest assured our copy writers and advertising people are perfectly capable of handling the situation. Mc GraAw-HILL Book COMPANY: ING. TO Dr. Forrest C. Allen PAGE —oO- pate 10/20/37 . We, too, are very interested in promoting the sales of the book and all departments will be working on it actively when the date of publication comes hear. AS you know, we have a heavy schedule of new publications and each one must receive its proper attention. Hence, we have to keep them all on a regular schedule, dependent on the publication date. ; With kindest regards, Sincerely yours, / _— CWM: MK E So eee McGRAw-HILL BOOK COMPANY: ING. *sstnmct rnesiens MARTIN M. FOSS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN PRESIDENT Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT FRANK L. EGNER nad ee 229 VES ee See MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT CURTIS W.McGRAW NEW YORK,N-Y. JOSEPH A.HYLAND VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER : PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT CABLE ADDRESS LONDON HUGH J.KELLY WILLIAM E. HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. TRADE DEPARTMENT . SECRETARY.& ASST. TREASURER October 29 Dr. Forrest: CG. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: [T acknowledge your letter of October 20 saying you have sent a copy of "The Dream Touch Down" to Miss Miller, who as I remember it is at Lowe & Campbell, who will use this material in one of their publications. I also acknowledge your letter of October 22. We should be most pleased to have a list of all the purchasers of THE BASKETBALL BIBLE which will help us in our circularization, as well as let us check up on the various companies who purchased THE BASKETBALL BIbLE, on whom we will no doubt have a representative call. T also acknowledge your letter of October 25, I believe Mr. Hyland in the main answered on October 27 in which he cares for most of the details. I have been over Mr. Hyland's letter and agree with all he has to say. May I have the list of the Bierman com- olimentary copies back as soon as convenient together with your suggestions. As to using the sub-title on the jacket or binding of the book itself, this is not the usual practice as Hyland has explained and unless %oVcare to have us change, we will continue as we have started. Of course, the sub-title of "Technique, Tactics, and Tales" will be used in all the advertising and circular material and it will not be lost sight of. I realize from the psychological and inspirational stendpoint why you are so anxious to have the sub-title stressed, but I am sure it will be well covered. McGraw-HiLt Book COMPANY-ING. | ive Dr. Forrest-.C;: Alien PAGE —2-— | pATE 10/29/37 I think now everything is sliding through promptly. There is only one guestion which has come up and that was with our Editorial Department about the Preface and [I told them to take that up with you direct, which they are doing. : To answer your question about Mr. Kelly's knee, he reports that it is in splendid condition and he has never had a return of the ailment since you worked on him. Do not worry also that your various suggestions bother us. We are glad to have them but, of course, you realize, which I know you do, that from years of marking and sales experience, our gang have pretty good ideas and you need not worry they will cover the market very thoroughly. _ In the last paragraph of your letter you mention Ernie Quigley, who will talk about the book over the radio and be sure you have him on your list to receive a complimentary copy. With kindest regards, Sincerely yours, CWM:MK (1056) -29 (Printed in U. S.A.) RAILWAY EXPRESS AGENCY INCORPORATED Lawrence, KanS&Se October 29,1937 Mr.Forest Allen, Lawrence, Kansas. Year Mr. Allen: You requested a shipment you made under date of October 8th to McGraw Hill be traced for delivery. I amenclosing a copy of the delivery record on this shipment showing it was delivergd on Oct llth. Trusting this was the information you desired, I am, Yours very truly Bgl A.L.Spencer Agent pa gee ee McGrRAw-HILL Book COMPANY: INC. ugacenigst canien CURTIS G.BENJAMIN MARTIN M. FOSS PRESIDENT Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT JAMES S$. THOMPSON 330 WEST 42nn STREET a ee cube CURTIS W.McGRAW NEW YORK,NY. JOSEPH A.HYLAND VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER : PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT CABLE ADDRESS LONDON HUGH J.KELLY WILLIAM E. HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. TRADE DEPARTMENT . SECRETARY.& ASST. TREASURER October 29 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Tt have been away on a short business trip and find your various letters upon my return, which fT now have a chance to answer, First of all, I want to acknowledge your letter of the 20th enclosing the various permissions, which we will place in our contract file. These are: your permission from Mr. Braley approving your use of his poem "The Half Back". Next, your permission from Grantland Rice for several of his poems. Then, the one from H. V. Porter giving permission for certain of his poems, and those from the Frank A. Munsey Company and the Appleton-Century Company for certain other permissions. Sincerely yours, CW: MK My, Curtis W. licGraw, tigGraw-Hill Book COe,s 330 West 42nd Street, New York City. Dear Mr, McGraw: 7 As I promised you, i called on Smith- Grieves Publishing Company in sas City, and find — that they had but fifty copies of “ily Basketball Bible" on hand last Thursday. They will have no difficulty in getting rid of these fifty copies, but they promised we emphatically that they would run no more issues of this book, but that it wo be out of print by the time cur new book comes off the press, fhey are recsiving orders for “My Basket~ pall Bible" right along, but not in large quantities. — In fact, three. orders were received this morning for the vpook from the Scholastic Coack people. One was from Windham, New York, the second from Jupiter, Florida, and the thiré from Clearmont, “yoming. You can see by this sporadic list that we Will have no difficulty in getting orders if we gst the publicity out over the United States conterning this new book, I stiil think that it would be a good adver- tising medium to mention that this new beok was written by the author of "My Basketball Bible", which is now out of print, For thirteen page the Basketball Bible has enjoyed rather comaendable popularity, You will pardon the personal pride that I have in saying this, but I know it is true. This new book, “Setter Basketball’, is mach superior in every way to our first attempt. | Very sincerely yours, PCA:An Director of Physical Baueation, October 30, 1937. lip, Clinton Simpson, Editor, Whittle House, MeGraw Book Company, 550 West 42nd Street, New York City. My dear Mr. Simpson: I have your letter of October 27 in which you advise me as to the Foreword and the Recognition to have been used in my book, "Better etball", Z gppreciate your candid advice and am not returning the Foreword at all, It is our desire that the book be as well presented to its readers as is possible. I have made the suggested changes. in the Recognition, and am enclosing it herewith, Very sincerely yours, PCASAH Director of Physical Education, WHITTLESEY HOUSE A DIVISION OF THE MCGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INC. McGRAW-HILL BUILDING - 330 WEST 42np STREET New York October 27, 1937 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen:- Several of us have read the Foreword by your son and your own "Recognition" for your book and feel that in their present form they do not represent you in the best light to the reader, or consistently with the rest of the book. The Foreword is, of course, exceedingly eulogistic, and while it does give interesting facts about your career, it hardly serves as an introduction to the book which follows. We doubt that the Foreword is the right place for a biographical sketch of this type, and intend to include some of this material on the jacket; we therefore recommend that you omit the Foreword entirely. As for the “Recognition", which takes the place of the usual acknowledgements, we find several things we—beiteve- not entirely to our liking. For instance, your acknowledgement of assistance from your family seems unnecessarily detailed, and we would recommend a simple statement of one line at most. Also, we question the wisdom of including the third and final paragraphs, which seem to have no direct bearing on the book itself. We suggest omitting them. Of course, these are only our recommendations, and if you want the material used as it is we shall do so. However, we feel that the presentation of the book to the reader will be definitely helped by these changes. I em sending the manuscript of the Foreword and "Recognition". Will you please return them to us with your comments? y truly yours, alee foo Clinton Simpson Editor October 30,5 1937. Me, ¥. J. Gartner, MeGraw-Hill Book 550 West 42nd St., New York City. Dear Mr, Gartner: In reading over the manuscript with irs, Allen last night, chec diagrams and plays, I find on Diagram 66, p 5, Out of — Bounds Play, Man for Man, that the sman made an error on one detail that I failed to discover in my checking and double checking. . This applies to/2)which should be > [tl I have marked this in red ink. i am terribly sorry about this error, iy, Gartner, and it is on no one else but me. I am wondering if you could bloek out the figure 2 in there and mke it appear as a heavy 1. That /2l\is sereened by(@i Even if you were forced to block out entirely the figure 2 it would still suffice as the deseription clears up the matter nicely. @)is outside with the ball in his possession, and naturally|1| would be the opponent for (i) I know nothing about the matter of treating these engravings, so I am throwing myself on the merey of the court. 111 you please hand this correction to the editorial department? You have been very wonderful and generous in all my dealings, and I regret this incident very much, Sey Very sincerely yours, FCA: AH , Director of Physical Education, Setober SO» 1937 « lip, J, A, Byland, MsGras Hill Book’ Cos, $30 est Sena Ste New York City, Nut. Dear lp, Hyland: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of October 27, ani the @ifferent things that pr thnatgeng : rought Ra concerning the — I mentioned in er to Er NY « Of course < pil ie aera at a cussing some of the questions that I raised with Mr, MeGpaw coneerning the 12 or 11 or 10 point types. I only knew thet I had a letter from you sta were using the larger type and sent us the semple of print which we approved very heartily. JF heard from you any differently, of course I was some st surprised to find er smaller type wes peing USOC, I went to a printer and hed him put his rale on the se that I could write an 1 letter cone ng the size of the type. Not having re- ceived any letter from you stating that were 4¢ z aateraiiy hed eS to suppose that before tho type was changed that I would have heard from you. If doubt not but what you had every good reason for sotting | the type in smaller point, is . Concerning your desire to use 10 point | S702 to mele it consistent ith the menufacturing cost ag compared with the selling ste eked s perhaps will tee. Ge 7 get set the e of the at te tha a wie s1 Sapie" a sold in ye anti ies at § I would not be ha with the . tion the fact thet car an oan es ce a Sor Sie NOG Fe Sead. 8h Seene thevens of Fe course I conlén't understand how they sll Heese eS $3.00 when I insisted Cen - os Now, regarding the book title, I have no. desire to be obstinate in the matter, but i 3 correspondence with lir, licGraw and we had agreed that "Better Basketball” would be on the top line, "Incorpor- ating" would be small, and “Technique Tactics and Teles” would be under “Better Basketbell", co was not a sube title, but this was a part of the title. I would kindly ask you and My, lecGraw to. look up your previous corresponde ence and to be guided by that correspondence, Very cordially yours, FCAs aH Direetor of Physical Education, ce to My, lcGraw : JAMES H.Mc GRAW,JR. Mc GRAW- HILL B oO OK COMPANY: Inc . ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD CURTIS G.BENJAMIN ae McGRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT FRANK L. EGNER JAMES S. THOMPSON =O WES Senor ee MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT VICE CURTIS in McGRAW NEW YORK,N-Y. : JOSEPH A.HYLAND ; : PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER pare deed paler oe WILLIAM E. HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. TRADE DEPARTMENT » SECRETARY &ASST. TREASURER October 27, 1937. Dictated 10-26-37 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Division of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas BETTER BASKETBALL Dear Dr. Allen: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of October 25th which has undoubtedly crossed in the mails my recent letters. There is no necessity, therefore, for me to answer the first three paragraphs of your letter since I have already written you that we have received from you the cut dummies of diagrams 1 to 12 as well as your origin- al drawings containing the copy for the descriptive titles which were transferred to the cut dummies before sending these to the printer. In my letter of yesterday I stated that I hoped that the printer would again start sending page proofs last night. I find from the morning report that he was unable to do so although I do know that the work of page makeup is again proceeding and I feel guite certain that additional pages will start forward to you tonight. In reply to the last paragraph of your letter re-— garding size of type used, I may say that Mr. McGraw is not in the office today, but he showed me yesterday your telegram and in his absence I secured your two letters of October 25th addressed to him. I will take the liberty of answering some of your questions during his absence. In your letter to Mr. McGraw you stated that the original sample pages which were prepared were set in 12 point type. Such was not the case as the original samples were set in 11 point. I eam sure, however, that you may be pardoned in this instance because the difference between 11 and 12 point type is approximately 1/72 of an inch. These original samples, as you know, were prepared from a very small portion of the manuscript and after we received the complete manuscript, as well as the material for all of the illustrations, we realized that it would be TO McGraw-HILt Book Company: ING. Dr. Allen . PAGE two DATE 10-27-37 necessary for us to keep down to a minimum the total number of pages. Consequently I had the manuscript estimated in four different ways. The results of these estimates showed that the use of 10 point type, 2 point leaded, as the text is now set, with a type page of 4 inches wide by 6% inches long, including the running head, would make a book of approx- imately 400 pages exclusive of illustrations. If 11 point type were used, the result would be 470 pages. We estimated furthermore that the illustrations and the descriptive legends would add approximately 150 pages to the total so that we now expect a book of 550 pages whereas if 11 point type were used, we would have a book of 620 pages. I assure you therefore thet there was no misunderstanding on this score. It would be nice of course if we could have used 11 point type be- cause,although only slightly larger than 10 point, it would be more legible, but we use 10 point type in 90 percent of our textbooks and we have few, if any, complaints that the type is too small to be read. The decision to use 10 point type, therefore, was absolutely necessary from the standpoint of manufacturing cost as compared to selling price. While awaiting the return of Mr. McGraw, I think that I might also answer your comments regarding the book title as mentioned in your telegram, and also in your four page letter of the 25th. When Mr. McGraw showed me your telegram I suspected that you had reference to the book title as used on the sketch of the proposed paper jacket, and your letter confirms my opinion in this respect. There has been no ehange from your original suggestion that the book be known as BETTER BASKETBALL with the subordinate and explana- tory title, "Technique, Tactics and Tales" but it is not customary to use sub titles any place but on the title page of the book itself and in the publicity material. I might add that to include the sub title on the printed jacket would, in our opinion, necessarily crowd the front cover of the jacket, and detract from the excellent illustration. We could, of course, if you insist, include this sub title on the backbone of the jacket, but we do not believe that it is necessary to do this. Please bear in mind that I mention this point about the title only because I want you to know that we have not deviated from your wishes in this respect, and if after receiving this letter you still believe that the sub title "Technique, Tactics and Tales" should appear on the jacket and on the binding, I suggest that you write directly to Mr. McGraw. I do hope, however, that you will not insist Lae McGrRAw-HILL BooK COMPANY: ING. | Dr. Allen Pace three DATE 10-27-37 that this sub title appear either on jacket or binding because we have always found it sufficient to use subor- dinate titles only on the title page of the book itself and in the direct mail and newspaper advertising. Very truly yours, Kah ff <—- ; A. Hy. And, si JAH: LOC Production Department. P.S. First and revised proofs of pages 107-114 are going forward to you under separate cover today and I hope that you will be satisfied with the rearrangement. If so please return immediately the marked set of the revised (yellow) corrected pages. You should then substitute the duplicate set of yellow proofs for the corresponding pages in your duplicate white set in order to be certain that your index copy is prepared from the yellow, rather than the white page proofs. OO JAMES H.McGRAW,JR. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD MARTIN M. FOSS PRESIDENT JAMES S.THOMPSON VIGE PRESIDENT CURTIS W.McGRAW VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER WILLIAM E. HAWKE SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER Mc GRAw-HILL Book COMPANY: INC. McGRAW-HILL BUILDING 330 WEST 42nod STREET NEW YORK,N-Y. CABLE ADDRESS LONDON “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN COLLEGE DEPARTMENT FRANK L. EGNER MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT JOSEPH A.HYLAND PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT HUGH J. KELLY TRADE DEPARTMENT November 1,1937 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas BETTER BASKETBALL Dear Dr, Allen: You will be glad to know I am sure that your concern over the error in Diagram 66 was needless, and this is not as serious as you perhaps had imagined. It will be necessary for me to prepare a new engraving efter correcting the tracing, and this of course is an expense. However, the expense is not great, and we do not mind making over an occasional cut. I have already had the drawing corrected, and have ordered a new engraving prepared, I shall send you a proof of the new cut as soon as it is available. Veryytmly yours, - J. Gartner WJG:CC Préduction Department Mp, Curtis #, licGrew, licGraw-Hill Book Co,, 350 West 42nd St, New York City, M.f. | Dear Mr, McGraw: ‘ZI have this morning an inquiry from tais Gandara Soto, Director of Physical Education, Calle Zareo 606 Norte, Hexico, asking when the new book, "Better Basketball” will be off the press, and where he may secure a copy. - I have replied to this gentleman saying that I was sing on to you his inquiry and that you could send him specific information, Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Sducation, November 2, 1937 ® ie, Curtis ¥, NeGraw, lig Graw-H4i1 Book COeyg 350 Nest 42nd Street, New York City, Reale Dear lip, iieGraws You will please find enclosed some correspondence together with the full reports — of the Suith-Grieves ¢ concerning the royalties to us for "My etball Bible”, You will notice on October 1, 1937, the total books sold by the Smith-Grieves people was 12,257. We had the Snithe-Grieoves people print this book at that time on a contract price . of $3500.00. It was a private venture on our , part. They printed 2,000 of them at that price for us and we reteiled these beoks on our own -. aecount, so the total number of Basketball Bibles soid to dete is 14,257. | : Very cordially yours, PCAsAB oe Director of Physical Education. November 5, 1957. ir. Curtis uw, MeGraw, NeGpaw-Hill Book Con, 330 West 42nd St., New York City, ™.*. Dear lr. ieGraw: i heave checked over your complimentary copy list of Bicrman's "ZAnning Football", I have piaced an asterisk after the names of the individuals that I did not know on a speaking acquaintance, ‘The — mark indicates individuals that I know personal- Se » It seems to me that it will be mite necessary to revise this list considerably so that we ean get the basketball writers. For instance, I am setting out a group of basketball writers that I know in New York, and while you may want to send the sports editors a copy also, these are the boys that write the basketball reviews; but you know better than I about that. ; 7 The boys that I know personally who write the basketball articles are: Arthur J, Daley, New York Times . Everett 5, Morris New York Herald Tribune Jack Curley, New York American | | Irving T,. Marsh, New York Herald Tribune _ Perhaps you may want to send their sports editors a copy also, but if it would be possible to contact those boys 2 think it would be well for the PCViSwW « ; By the way, Waldo Bowman should know the names of the basketball and sports writers in New York better than I. | : I thought I had better send your personal list on "Winning Football? back so that you could check it with your specialty man there, | oe sending a list of the chaps that ZI am eure will help by your sending a complimentary copy to them and asking for their opinion, This is rather an incomplete list, but I will add to it as the names gf the proper men tome to me. For instance, Edward “, ‘Yoehrane, former sports editor of the Kansas City Journal Post, has now gone to Chicago, I think, as sports editor of the Chieago American, It will be necess for me. to write different individuals to as- certain the correct information, Another eefe in point is the sports editors of the Denver, Colorado,. pers as well as the Fort Yorth and Dallas papers, will write different individuals at these points, and follow up with an additional list of names accord- ing to their’ worth to your\and our project. : In pegard Harold Smith and A, il, Kleinhoffer, of the Smithe“’rleves Publishing Company, these men asked for an author's copy. Doubtless many inquiries will come to these people, and I am sure — that it would be a nice thing to remember them, if possible, so that they can turn their future orders — in our direction, : | You will vemeuber, of course, that we promised certain individuals of the Munsey agazine, also H, Y, Porter, as well as Grantland Rice and the _ other people who gave us permission to use their poems, | | | If you would make a tentative list of your group and the group that I am sending you and mail it to wt Meena I could perhaps Gheek this list t and offer further suggestions, did not know whether - you would want to send St, John, of Ohio State, the chairman of the basketball rules committee, a copy | together with the members of the basketbali rules body, I am rather uncertain about this, so am asking the fg After I have this information from you