Me. Williem B Director of Athletics, — Hervard University, Cambridge, Mase. ; Dear Mire Bingham: I read your communication imate your physical fitness i was especially interested in the phase of it in which you etated that your R.0.7.C. men conducted the military marching Cae ee oe 7 ee a hdl cata Se Wet wen tnd Gadd we gee what pert the R.0.7.C. played in your progrem end if you geve the pect itho car yiaaate a T would appreciate all your good ideaz. a ad ar Us Gree tates fn Gis Tatied Stabe that has had elective physical education for the last ten years. Our Chancellor Deane %, Malott, who is now back at Canbridge honoring his former dean of the School of Business, is very — desirous of getting the very best compulsory physical education progren under way at the i I will. appreciate your help- ful suggestions. Very cordially yours,