JAMES H.McGRAW,JR. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD MARTIN M. FOSS PRESIDENT JAMES S.THOMPSON VIGE PRESIDENT CURTIS W.McGRAW VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER WILLIAM E. HAWKE SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER Mc GRAw-HILL Book COMPANY: INC. McGRAW-HILL BUILDING 330 WEST 42nod STREET NEW YORK,N-Y. CABLE ADDRESS LONDON “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN COLLEGE DEPARTMENT FRANK L. EGNER MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT JOSEPH A.HYLAND PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT HUGH J. KELLY TRADE DEPARTMENT November 1,1937 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas BETTER BASKETBALL Dear Dr, Allen: You will be glad to know I am sure that your concern over the error in Diagram 66 was needless, and this is not as serious as you perhaps had imagined. It will be necessary for me to prepare a new engraving efter correcting the tracing, and this of course is an expense. However, the expense is not great, and we do not mind making over an occasional cut. I have already had the drawing corrected, and have ordered a new engraving prepared, I shall send you a proof of the new cut as soon as it is available. Veryytmly yours, - J. Gartner WJG:CC Préduction Department