Mra. Marguerite Knowles Bowen, St. Francis Apt. Hotel, 9th and Holmes Street, Kansas City, Ko. - Dear Mr. Bowens Os a ees tes ctr inn toe . geknowledging receipt of your letter of June 16th. I em enclosing a booklet describing the course of etudy for students wishing to major in Physical Education, which, I believe, will give you most of the informtion you desire. I am also asking the Registrar's office to send you a general catalog of _ the University which will contain information about fess, tuition, and so forth. | If you have had some work here at the University of couse your transoript will be on file in the Registrar‘s office. If you have not, however, it will be well for you to have an official transcript of your high sehool record sent to that offices , Students mijoring in Physical Bdycation enroll in the School of Education. Dean George 3. Smith, of the School of Education, will be glad to cisouss with you the details of your enrollment. " a ites ag Wins iets ter session, which ends on July 24th. If you care to make an appointment to see him during this summer session I am sure he will be glad to answer any questions you may have-in regard to taking a major course in Physical Education. Very sincerely yours, roa : Seoretary to Dr. Forrest C. Alien.