RAILwAyY EXPRESS AGENCY INCORPORATED TO INVESTIGATION BLANK District Accountant District *S°M_AWRENC E, KANS 683 5-35 (Printed in U.S.A.) Dist. Acct. Agent or * Claim Agent t. +36 16 ve File Reference or Claim Number oot Octobe Amount of Claim Accountant At___ New York, N.Y. Please. furnish records checked: REPLY DIRECT TO PATRON Delivery Record (OD. Returns (if there is not a clear record of shipment reply should be made to the representative of this Company making the inquiry.) tt At Date RETURN FORM TO ME gat Delivery Record C.O. D. Returns Return to Shipper Record Copy of Out Billing Certified Copy of Receipt Copy of Vehicleman’s Tally 49 go! $ Inquiry made by Claimant Forest Allen Nature of Complaint or Claim: ConSignee advised shipper not received. Agent or Claim Agent will fill in available data—District Accountant will complete the Waybill and Delivery Sheet information. Enter Date Shipped October 8,1937 os COLLECT PREPAID le ee. Total a C.0.D. Servi To Destination Office New York The Delivery Record shows the shipment originated with NeYe ie MeGraw Hill Street Address or NoneAgency Destination Woybill Number jl) 2 Declared Vaiue $100.00 Weight Express Company Name of Forwarding Office Value Ch Value Charges Lawrence, Kansase Article Piece-g; Description, ‘ Express Charges Delivery was made on (Check One) [J Original [_] Substitute CL] Over Delivery Sheet Pa 64 Shipper Receipt or Identitication No, Paidin Part Forest Allen Shipper’s Address Scale.or Rate | Verified hy C.0.D. Service Chgs, Received from RAILWAY EXPRESS AGENCY, Ine., shipment described hereon, Date Delivered ie ae oti) 2H Ob ugoe wo LL 5S Ix Delivered by Oh Mace Mecstage VA Deliveryman’s Number 2 PES aa S SIGNATURE te. So pretest a3 © UlesP Ys - f “WAS PAID BY DRAFT No 193 (OL 22. DATED AMOUNT $ Dist. Acct. Agent Claim Agent