TO McGraw-HILt Book Company: ING. Dr. Allen PacE two pate LO-18-357 In so far as is concerned your letter of October seventh, to which I replied on October thirteenth, you will note that I specifically acknowledged the receipt of the cut dummies and corresponding pee eeerepae or exhibits 1-162 inclusive. In the first paragraph of your letter of October eighth, however, you state, "I have just expressed this morning all of the cut dummies complete with the titles that I thought best." From this I assumed that you had reference to the cut dummies of the diagrams and did not check up on this point with Mr. Gartner until this after- noon after receiving your letter of October sixteenth. If the cut dummies mentioned in your letter of October eighth referred to the twelve cut dummies of diagrams and your original copy of the remaining diagrams and the .correspond- ing legends, then we still have not received this package. Of course it is possible that this will arrive this afternoon and if it does I will wire you accordingly. I am sorry if I have caused you any inconvenience because the misunderstanding was due entirely to my assumption that the first sentence of your letter of October eighth referred to the cut dummies of the diagrams since you had already returned all cut dummies of the ex- hibits. I have tried to be specific in my acknowledgment of illustration material, referring to them either as ex- hibits or diagrams, and will continue to do so, and would appreciate it if you would do likewise although after we receive the package mentioned in your letter of October eighth, everything should straighten itself out, and we will have clear sailing from now until the page makeup has been completed. I want you to know that no time has been lost and nothing will be lost if this package arrives today or tomorrow. Very truly yours, JAH: LOC