JAMES H.McGRAW,JR. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD MARTIN M. FOSS PRESIDENT JAMES S.THOMPSON VICE PRESIDENT. CURTIS W.McGRAW McGrRAw-HILL Book COMPANY: INC. ee ee ecees CURTIS G.BENJAMIN Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT FRANK L. EGNER 330 WEST 42nd STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT NEW YORK,NY. JOSEPH A.HYLAND PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER Gnece AGDRESS LONDON UGH. J. KELEY WILLIAM E. HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. TRADE DEPARTMENT - SECRETARY &ASST. TREASURER October 20, 1937. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Division of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas BETTER BASKETBALL Dear Dr. Allen: Your letter of October 18th and the package containing the cut dummies of diagrams 1-12, as well as your original drawings and all the photostats arrived this morning. I am now glad indeed to tell you that we have all of the material that we need to continue with the page makeup. I am of course sorry about the confusion and the necessity of the exchange of telegrams, but I know that you now realize that we needed the copy for the descriptive legends that are to appear beneath these diagrams before we could send the cuts and cut dummies to the printer for page makeup. We could of course have made new cut dummies for the first twelve diagrams, and could have sent all diagrams to the printer if it were not for the fact that we did not have the titles. We are now transferring these from your original copies to the cut dummies and will send a large number of these to the printer today. I feel quite certain that they will reach him before he has completed the makeup to the point where the first diagram is to be inserted. tI am going to place the key to the diagrams close to the text at the bottom of galley 60 and I feel quite certain that this will be the satisfactory position. if not, wont you please wire me upon receipt of this letter? Two installments of page proofs have now gone forward to you, and I hope that you have received the first installment at least. I have been examining the duplicate set of these page proofs as they reach us from the printer and am of the opinion that you will be