JAMES HMCGRAW JR. McGrRAw-HiIL_ Book COMPANY: ING. ee CURTIS G.BENJAMIN MARTIN M. FOSS COLLEGE DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING JAMES S. THOMPSON 330 WEST 42n0 STREET PRL OROER DEPARTMENT VICE PRESIDENT +e eae sr: EW , JOSEPH A.HYLAND ae W.McGRAW g PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT E PRESIDENT ANDTREASURER CABLE ADDRESS LONDON HUGH J.KELLY WILLIAM E. HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. TRADE DEPARTMENT K SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER October 4,1937 Dr. Forrest C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas BETTER BASKETBALL Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you very much for your letters of September 29th and October lst. I have delayed reply to your letter of September 29th awaiting the package of corrected tracings you discussed, These were in some way delayed and did not reach me until today. I shall have the corrections made which you indicated in Diagrams 13, 14, 15 and 16. Separately today I am returning to you the originals which accompanied these tracings. I am also sending to you in the same package new cut dummies together with the photo- graphs for Figures 48, 53, 120, 126, 150, 147, 151, 153, 154 and 155. These cut dummies are of the improved engravings and replace the first dummies you received of these illus- trations. : Very truly yours, Gog ING. , e i Gartner WJG:CC Production Department Getobor 4, 1937. iz, N, &, Somers, Treasurer, D, Appleton-Century Co., 35 Vest S2nd Strest, New York City. Dear lr, Somers? ; I ea enclosing uoreuith ay check for $10,060 for the privilege of using the pees Bepton Braley in my new book “Better — I assure you all proper acknow- ledgments will be made in the book, We greatly appreciate permission to use the poom in the book, 3 ok Sincerely yours, ERC. Direetor of Physical Education. Getober 4, 1937. lip, Berton Braley, RP, D. #i, Bridgeport, Cont, beer tir. Sraleys | | Several weeks ago I wrote you asking permission to use your poen “The Ralf Back" in my book, “Better Basketball", As yot I have had no reply to my letter, and I shx greatly ~ appreciate hearing Prom you at an carly date, Sincerely yours, YCAtal Director of Physical Sducation, October 4, 1937. ~ Hy, J, A, Byleni, leGraw-Hi11 "Beek’ COe,y 330 Vest 42nd Ste, New York City. Dear Mr, Hyland: I have just written tir, Gartner that I received this a package of ali eut dummies for illustration, I am sending back to him the last bateh of diagrams, I have eliso submitted a list of ths original @rawings or photostets of the Giagrams that I now have on hand, This brings us to a pretty good working SOt-upe - When the galleys come an. from Miss Giles now we will have ew house in oréer; so that we can plece our diagrams and our illustrations before us << ei@ us in our galley reading, . Mrs, Allen is writing Miss Giles to the effect that when we read the master manuscript we indicated on that manuscript just where we wanted every One of the diagrams and illustrations placed. “iss Glles saié something in her letter about wante ing Hrs, Allen to place those. se have again checked them over and we find thn’ Shay Bave all been located in the proper position, and if Miss Giles will follow the markings on the master mamuscript it will save a repetition of this work on the part of Mrs, Allen. acc ann seuiae Sidkaie Pas tie ek oes going, and we ere staying t on th sni nigh to rush out sil the start thet cones in to us that day. With all good wishes, Z an Sincerely yours, PCA:AH | Director of Physical Education. (ener? — P, Sp. I have just ‘osoldes this morning your letter of September 30, enclosing proofs in cut dumay form of diagrans 1-13, 4s soon as I have an o nity to ‘examine them I shall write you dia dotail. : Iam rather unha Ghat you are going £9 put two cuts on one page. 8 will cake it vory aiffieult for the reader, as this is a technical text and much of the exposition should be. i yee under each cut, rathor than on another page From a ‘potaneg es standpoint you can see that it S211 be cult to look at the Glagram ani then turn to the next page for the exposition, — if you will consult | Basketball Bible" ~~ will see that the exposition is close to the cuts. was hoping that as mmeh of the exposition as possible wight appear near the cuts. However, i will be guided by what you think about that. I want to emphasize that wo heve placed the diagrams where we think they belong. But we will play the game with vase follow your advice, \ # eC. fee Mr. Curtis 7, MeGraw, licGraw-Hill Book Cos, 330 vest 42nd street, New York City. Dear Mr, lieGraw; pe! gol has just meiled mac or Borate Bierman. Not do "Winning vosteail y copy, but I appreciate aie I am very much plea: “th st. | I think he han@les it in a chatty, cohmaaty sort of way that would cause a fellow to keep on : veeding the text. Indeed, it is nicely Gone. ‘ - I also like the way your advertising man is edvertising the other Whittlesey House Sports Series, This boosts every one of the texts and puts them in a favored and distinctive class. | _ While the galley of Better Basket- pall and the diagrams are occu; ga lot of my ovkeentene 2 it may be necessary for me to forege the entire reading of this very interesting football text. But I?ll cet to it at the sankicit possible moment, as I find it very alluring. | | Siciebids dachiaa © Aiesel We 06 oes’ Oe * Gephers teke a licking from the Cornhuskers at Lin- : coin, it was a great game, However, the real joy was taken out of the ereenee ue on account of the near critical i Blden Peete the 80: Nebraska talibast 10 "peared a frac a coneussion. He was ae near dead es any boy I ever. want to see. I still maintain that they can take a lot of the rough stuff out of football and have a glorified basketball game out of it with more forward passing ané a prohibition of massed interference running. This will lessen injuries perceptibly. ; The Canadians have e game that cert es play which is : Ssuee sear tk aa a aeeie oo oo as our colleges v a English rugby. They do not permit this mass interference ahead of the runner, thereby making the game more open and less subject to severe injuries. I talked to Minnesota newspaper mon from Min olis, end men whe are on the inside, and the line oat of those two teame was atrocious, College men should not be subjected to any > that is as near mayhem or legalised murder. It just isn’t cricket as far as a college game for college men is concerned. ralphice Brian iw li ty lliePly pcan gpl sport, it is a business just like the Netioneal American | Leagues it is a great spectecie, but it is not a sport. However, this is off the record so far as I am con= Going back to the book for a moment, the eover illustration with the expression and all looke exactly like the Hinnesote end Nebraske men when they eame to grips. I would like a swecter-faced counten- ance on my giadfietor than this perfectly good football illustration shows. | : i Zam womlering sbout the illustration. If imagine I should receive this from Mr, Gartner or iir, Hyland, should I net? I would just like to now what they are planning. ‘The jecket cover is swell, It looks like a Prinsceten background to me, with its low parapet stadiun ani exit showing acainst a massed backe . ground of humenity. Not éesirine to put out leseuce, 4 want to say that this is @ master 30s and I it and appreciate receiving a copy of it, Very cordially yours, PCALAH | Director of Physical Education. Pee | I hed previously aictated my letter to you before your letter of the Wth arrived. eae very moch fer the check, I an patie tues’ o of the D, #10,00., people, and an earns te them the cheek for 200 I em erttipe ‘oe to Berton Brealey re= = “te Half Baek edérees is Bridce | a ReF sD. 1, He failod to answer my other etter. Poptians since it was written twenty-five years ago te | may have forgotten he ever wrote the poom, Anyhow, T an hoping he will answer my letter soon, tT am glad to have your angle on the Univer= sity colors. Onur colors sre crimson end bine, but ne .. they have brightened the colors now between a erimson and e seerict, I will send you a woolen swash of yarn so thet you can see the two colors and see whet your staff cen do toward combining them, Ordinarily crémson and blue are rather somber colors, The jecket of the Bierman book I think looks swell, i aiso thank you for your personel attention in — it to mo, It wee ——T nice of yous Se rs McGRAw-HILL Book CoMPANY:- INC. seteniir tecorehent MARTIN M. FOSS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN PRESIDENT Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT + 20 FRANK L. EGNER JAMES S. THOMPSON 359 WES eee MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT CURTIS W.McGRAW NEW YORE .N-x. i JOSEPH A.HYLAND - VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER a PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT CABLE ADDRESS LONDON WILLIAM E. HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. HUGH J. KELLY . SECRETARY.&ASST. TREASURER TRADE DEPARTMENT September 30 i 3 5. 7 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens I acknowledge your letters of September 24 and 25 and have passed Professor Elbel's bill in the amount of $50.00 for payment. IT also enclose our check in the amount of $6.50 to your order to care for the expense you had with the two photographers. IT am glad that you understand about the typing and we realize that because of it the manu- script arrived in grand shape. Concerning letters or correspondence you receive about the book, if you care to acknowledge them, that is of course satisfactory with us. All I was trying to do was save you time. We will take up next week the question of binding and jacket and at that time ask you for your thoughts and suggestions on what our copy writers and artists prepare. In that connection, what are the Kansas colors/ I would like at once a sample of these colors. We might do the jacket in these colors if they are suitable. You will note we used on the jacket of Bierman's WINNING FOOTBALL, the maroon and gold which are the Minnesota colors. The Bierman book is on the way to you under separate cover for your information. I agree with you that attractive jackets and binding do help selling and we need all the help we can get. Mc GrRAw-HiILLt Book GoMPANY: ING. “a ro Dr. Forrest C. Allen PAGE —2— pate 9/30/37 I am also glad that you and Mrs. Allen are going to give first place to the reading of galley proofs and illustrations as they come along. They should be starting out to you within the next few In your letter of September 25 you send me a copy of the letter from Mr. Shuster, President of Appleton-Century, in which he gave you permission to print "The Prayer of a Sportsman" for the amount of $10.00. I am including this amount in the check herewith and ask that you pay Appleton-Century direct. You are correct that they would have probably charged us, as publishers, more. I hope that on the other poem, "The Half Back", for which we have not permission, you will get permission from Mr. Braley direct as promptly as possible. With kindest regards, Sincerely yours, Oetober 7, 1957 » Mise Elizabeth Gile, Production Department, lieGraweHill Book So., 330 West 42nd St., New York City. Dear Hiss ee I am sending you hsrevith a copy of my letter to lir, Hyland, for your information. > fies. Allon is very mach dis- appointed over the setup of the poen, Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education. Aree ee cone McGRAw-HILL Book COMPANY: ING. Linens MARTIN M. FOSS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN PRESIDENT McGRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT JAMES S. THOMPSON 330 WEST 42npd STREET FRANK L. EGNER VICE PRESIDENT MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT CURTIS W.McGRAW NEW YORK,NY. . JOSEPH A.HYLAND VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT 4c GRAW Ha? HEDEVOR ve HUGH J. KELLY WILLIAM E. HAWKE LL” NEW YORK . SECRETARY.& ASST. TREASURER SNe ee Neos: TRADE DEPARTMENT October 7 Drs Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: This will acknowledge your letter of October 4. I am glad you like your copy of WINNING FOOTBALL by Bierman and think it is a good manu- facturing job. We do, too, and I am sure it will sell well. I am also glad you like the way we are advertising the series of all of the sports books and it will, of course, be continued in that way so that they will all help one another. I am sorry about the Nebraska boy's: injury in the game with Minnesota but see by the papers he is improving. Certain of your thoughts about football, I agree with and some time when we get together we can go into the subject more thoroughly for I would like to have your ideas. I heve started our artist on the design of a jacket for BETTER BASKETBALL, having turned over to him the samples of the Kansas colors. As soon as he has something to show, I will get in touch with you. He is going through all of the illustrations in the book to give us his idea as to which is the best half-tone to use for the jacket. Hyland tells me that he heard from you yesterday morning and will soon write you in answer thereto, although he feels everything is going along right well at the present time. McGraw-HiLLt Book GoMPANY-ING. TO Dr. Forrest Ce Allen PAGE -2- DATE 10/7/37 IT hope you hear from Braley soon and that will clear up another detail. Sincerely yours, CW s MK ee ee McGRAw-HiLt Book COMPANY: INC. enn eee ere MARTIN M. FOSS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN PRESIDENT Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT FRANK L. EGNER JAMES S. THOMPSON 330 WEST 42ND STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT CURTIS W.McGRAW NEW YORK,NY. | JOSEPH A.HYLAND VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT “Mc Saaw HE EW MOAK a HUGH J. KELLY WILLIAM E. HAWKE . ALDWYCH H W.C.2. : . SECRETARY.&ASST. TREASURER = “ees TRADE DEPARTMENT October 13. DY. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Thenk you for your letter of October 7 in which you enclosed a request from Mr. E. C. Baden of North Lewisburg, Ohio, for a copy of your book. We are placing this in our unfilled order file to be shipped upon publication. I am also glad to have your description which you are sending out to people inquiring concerning the book, which will help us in our publicity, ete. There is only one point which comes to mind from reading the description and that is you are listing MY BASKETBALL BIBLE. It was my understanding that this book, upon publication of the new one, would be declared out of print, and not sold any more. It would seem to me that because BETTER BASKETBALL will be published around the middle or end of November, that it would be better to declare MY BASKETBALL BIBLE out of print, telling Smith-Grieves & Company to refer all orders to you or us, preferably ourselves, Sincerely yours, CWM : AK October 15, 1957. Mr, Berton Braley, Vestport, Conn. Dear Mr, Braley: I want to thank you sincerely for your kindness in granting ‘me permission to use your poem ue, Back" in my book, "Better Basket- You can be assured that we will follow your desires and instructions regarding the eredit line “copyright by the author” » : This is greatly apprec- iated, Sincerely yours, FPCA:AH Director of Physical Education. a a . caine eae! COPY Det. 9, 1937 Westport, Conn, Dear Mr. Allen: Use the verses as you plen. I usually ask a fee, but I doubt that there is much profit in a book so pecialized, so we'll forget it. Please run "Copyright by the author" with the verses, ; Sincerely, Berton Braley. Mr, Curtis W, licGraw, McGraw-Hill Book Co,, 330 West 42nd St,., New York City. Dear lr, MeGraw: | Just this morning I have received a letter from Berton Braley, at Westport, Conn, Appleton Company had given me his address as Bridgeport. | You can see that he was very nice, so of course we are sending him a nice autographed copy of Better Basketball. I am writing him expressing my sincere thanks for his kindness in permitting me to use his work. I thought it well to send you the original so that your firm would have the original document for yow use and protection, I will ve happy to hear from you as the jacket half-tone progresses, Sincerely yours, FCA:AH “Director of Physical Education, October 13, 1937. ir, W,. J, Gartner MeGraw-Hill Book G0., 330 West 42nd St., | ; Wew York City. Dear Mr, Gartner? I did not answer your good letter the first of the week knowing that you would have in your possession the cut dumies by Monday, at least. I expressed them to you Friday noons : Please do not worry about requests for a complete set of duplicate cut dummies and illustrations and diagrams, I think we are well enough along now that we can forego that. tee All the galley has been returned and it looks as if we are in pretty good shape at the present. I have just sent to Ur, MeGraw the permission of Berton Braley, so that clears up all the details, — With kindest regards, I am Sineerely yours, FCA3AH Director of Physical Education, JAMES NCQRAW.In., McGRAw-HiILL Book COMPANY: INC. —— CURTIS G.BENJAMIN MARTIN M.FOSS PRESIDENT Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT ; FRANK L. EGNER JAMES S. THOMPSON 330 WEST 42nd STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Lae ae NEW YORK, Noy. JOSEPH A.HYLAND CURTIS W.McGRAW a : PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER cine nana LONDON eck a WILLIAM _E. HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. TRADE DEPARTMENT K SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER October 8,1937 Dr. Forrest %. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas BETTER BASKETBALL Dear Dr. Allen: I have been holding your letter of October 4th aweiting the packege of tracings. This was received very lete last night, too lete to enable me to check it “over and write you. I opened up the package the very first thing this morning. There is nothing much for me to do, except to pull out the tracing of Diagram 51 in which a correction is required in panel 4 and the pencil drawing of the symbols. the rest of the illustrations are being order- ed and I am asking the engraver to turn out the cuts with all possible speed. I shall have the correction made in Diagram 51 and also rush a reproduction drawing of the symbols and then also order the engravings of these two illustrations. I am returning enclosed the originals of Diagrams Sl. and 8S. the original of Diagram 83 which you state in your letter you did not receive was among the tracings, and was probably overlooked by you in your rush to check the tracings and return them, By now you must have received the package of origin- als I returned on October 4th. This shipment together with the enclosed originals of Diagrams 51 and 83 will, I feel sure, place in your hands the complete diagrams. If this is not so, kindly let me know right away. We have now received from you a great number of the galley proofs but of course cannot proceed with the paging of the book until you return to us the cut dummies of the illustrations and the originals of the diagrams that are re- quired in the text. I trust you are planning on sending these cut dummies and originals to us, together with the copy for the legends of the illustrations,real soon The last paragraph of your letter is not entirely TO Dr. Allen PAGE “20 DATE McGraw-HILt Book Company: Inc. 10/8/37 clear to me, Is this meant to be a request for a complete set of duplicate cut dummies of the illustrations and the diagrems? If it is, I shall be only too gled to have them prepared and send them to you, if you will let me know. We are now merking time awaiting your return of the illustration material. You may be sure that as soon as this is received we shall lose no time in proceeding with the paging of the book. Very truly yours, ae Gost INC., | W/dJ. Gartner WIG:CC frodugtion Department Oetober a, 1937 » tip, W,. J, Gartner UcGraw-Hill Book Eompany, 330 West 42nd Street, — New York City. | Dear Mr, Gartner: -. — aeknowledge receipt this morning of the package of cut dummies, It was just delivered a few moments ago, However, Mrs, Allen tells me thet no gallgys arrived this morning, so I imagine that we will mark time for twenty-four hours, at least. I have all these plays and formations so well in mind that I cen almost see them in my dreams. Yesterday I ran over the last copy of the corrected galley that firs, Allen has in her possession, and she is mailing the stuff back this morning. ZI am also returning the last shipment of the diagrams, There was but one correction that I° caught in the entire seteup, This is on diagram 61, panel No. 4, The title is Pivot ani Hook Pass For« ward over Shoulder, In the line showing the path of the ball, the path at the end of the arrow shows () a" the original drawing shows (@, It should read : EI have checked the key and find it satis- factory. The symbols are all correct and I have OK'd the same. Therefore, I am returning the last shipment of the tracings. ‘ Ehere were no originals and photostats on diagram 85, play No. 4, and diagram 51, panel 1<2<3+4, In the ease of panel Si the original drawing was there . but no photostat, so I returned the original and did not keep a photostat of this diagram. On diagram 83 the original did not accompany the tracing and photeo- stat so I sent back the photestat and did not keep the original, Reduced to the present moment this moans that I have in.my possession neither the photostat nor ¢hé original of diagrams 51 and 835. a = now desire to give you the list of all the diagrams that I have in my possession. others are cither i 7 to you or on the way back to me, but I thought it best to check with you so that we would have a com« plete set here at the house as well as your oekaoe a complete sot at the factory. I have the following: Diagrams 1 to 12, inelusive 47 to 50, inclusive = to 54, inclusive 58 to 61, inclusive | 63 to 79, inélusive 84 to 86, inclusive I heve already mentioned to you diegrams 51 and 83, That leaves the following missing so far ae we are concerned here: | 13 to 46, inclusive — 51, 55, 57, 62 80 to 83, inclusive, | | Mrs, Allen is editing the book from this end of the line. Of course, she has sent back some of the galley copy to Miss Giles when the’ diercrems were not here, an? I think'it wonld be a fine idea if we could have a copy of ali peanpecttin yg, sherry as we now have all illustrations. This would fortify us against any possible mistakes for the future, ‘ | Very cordially yours, FCAtAR “Director of Physical Education. n transit, having been returned — JAMES H.McGRAW,JR. Mc GRAwW- HILL B OOK COMPANY: InG ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD CURTIS G.BENJAMIN MARTIN M. FOSS JAMES S. THOMPSON CURTIS W.McGRAW Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT FRANK L. EGNER 330 WEST 42nd STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT NEW YORK, N-Y. JOSEPH A.HYLAND PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER LONDON ; CABLE ADDRESS HUGH J.KELLY WILLIAM E. HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. TRADE DEPARTMENT » SECRETARY &ASST. TREASURER October 15, 1957. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Division of Physical Fdueation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas BETTER BASKETBALL Dear Dr. Allen: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of October eighth and I am anxiously awaiting the ex- press package which the first paragraph of your letter states has been forwarded to me, and which contains all of the cut dummies of the diagrams and the copy for the titles. I am anxious to receive these because we have Sent to the printer, the cuts and cut dummies of ex- hibits called for in galleys up to 49 and as soon as these reach him hé will proceed immediately with the page makeup. Of course the printer has galleys up to 75 to make up, but 1 have not sent him any of the cut dummies of the exhibits called for in galleys 50-75, beginning with Chapter 12, because I want to send these in the order in which they are called for in the text, and diagram 1 is the first diagram called for in Chapter 12 on the bottom of galley 49. However, I am sure that the package will reach us, and we in turn will be able to send all of the necessary cuts and cut dummies to the printer before he has completed the makeup of the 75 galleys. I believe that your letter crossed in the mails my reply to your recent letter relative to the necessity for our making over exhibits 100-105 so as to inelude the basket. We are already proceeding with this, and as. stated in my recent letter, I am gratified that it has been necessary for us to make over so comparatively few. it was indeed fortunate that we took a few minutes while you were in New York to go over these pictures in order that we could get some idea of your wishes in this re- spect. In regard to the arrangement of text with the corresponding exhibits and diagrams, I am sure that you have nothing to fear, as I have explained our wishes to TO McGraw-HiLt Book Company: ING. Dr. Allen PAGE two DATE 10-15-37 the printer and took the precaution of giving him some further explanation when sending the first batch of cut dummies of exhibits. We will place the illustra- tions on the same page, or the page facing the cor- responding text, if it is at all possible. You know, of course, that neither the engravings nor the type it- self are made of rubber. Consequently we must be given some leeway in this arrangement. | Another installment of corrected galley proofs is going forward to the printer today so that he can be going ahead with the corrections while awaiting the arrival of the cut dummies. All of the remaining cor- rected galleys are in our hands and will be sent to the printer as soon as they have been examined. Nothing is being delayed, and in fact I think we are making excellent progress. It was of course necessary for you to keep some of the cut dummies in order to compare the illustrations with the galley proofs. While we are proceeding with the page makeup and sending you page proofs, I am also giving some thought to the jacket and to the binding. You will hear from me in connection with these details in due course. After we have completed the breaking up of text into page form, we will then tackle the copy for the preliminary pages or “front matter" as these pages are termed, also com- municate with you in regard to the index. In other words we treat the text proper as one unit, the front matter as a second, and the index as a third, so please do not think that we have overlooked the front matter copy because you have not yet received any proofs. Proofs of this front matter material by the way, are usually sent in page form rather than to first submit galley proofs. Very,truly yours, A.HyYan hn oduction Department. JAH: LOC October 15, 1937. ly, Curtis W, ucGraw, ligGraw-Hill Book Co,, 350 West 42nd Street, New York City, N.Y. Dear Mr, “eGraw: t am sending you an old clipping written by Warren W,. Brown, the sports editor of the Herald-Examine?, of “hicago. Brown you will perhaps remenber as the slowespoken individual who made couments on the World Series baseball game. the only reason that I am sending you this is to pass it on to ea able publicity people with the view of recalling to Mr, Brown some of his kindly comments when they send him an author's copy of Better Baskotball for reviow. _ Sy the way, when would you like the list of the individuals that I think should 7 have some attention from the publishers with a copy? I would also appreciate it if your men could send “fie a list of the people that you generally contact for such things so that I would not duplicate that list, ani I would also have a better understanding of how you publishers work and what individuals you contact with an author's copy. __ Another matter I would like to ask you about would be what was done regarding the book mark, The Readers Rule. I still thinlc this is a good idea and I am wondering if anything has been done about it. Very cordially yours, FCA:AH 7 Director of Physical Edaucation, October 16, 1937. Mr, J, A, Hyland, MeGraweHill Book Co., 3350 “est 42nd St, New Yerk City, Nets Dear Mir. Hyland: | i am writing you air mail in response to your wire from the Postal this date aa follows: * Cut @umnfies, Giagrams not received, If shipped betober 8 trace, J, A, Hylena." in your letter of October 13 you state that you received the cut dummies, However, I heave ¢alled the Reilway Express Ageney and have given them the following information: Dated October 8, 1937, I have their receipt No, 142, of Lawrence, Kansas; valuation €100,00; weight pounds; ll a8.%,.3 signed ane The address on this slip was MeGrew-Hill, New ork, but I porsonally addressed the package to J. A, oo » Production Department, MeGraw-Hill Book Company, 330 est 42nd Street, York, 3.Y. I cannot understand, but I have ordered them to trace imnsdiately. | \ 1 Very cordially yours, PCA3AH ee Director of Physical Education, JAMES H.McGRAW,JR. Mc GRAw- HILL B oO OK. COMPANY: ING z ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD CURTIS G.BENJAMIN wee Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT JAMES S. THOMPSON : 330 WEST 42no0 STREET ier ripe fg +7 ee cu bis PRS is NEW YORK, N-yY. JOSEPH A-HYLAND | VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER CABLE ADDRESS LONDON dane 3 baie. WILLIAM E. HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. MOE HE GRATEHT - SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER October 13, 1937. Dr. Forrest C, Allen Division of Physical Hducation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas BETTER BASKETBALL Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for your letter of October 7th which arrived while I was at the printer's office over the week end. I am also glad to tell you of the arrival just a few moments ago of the cut dummies and the photo- graphs of exhibits 1-162 inclusive. You may be sure that we are going to work on these immediately and get off to the printer all of those that are called for in the cor- rected galley proofs now in his hands so that he can pro- ceed with the page makeup. The work of getting these ready for the printer will not amount to much, and I hope to have them in his hands by the time he has made the corrections called for in the galleys and the type is ready for breakup into page form. Before replying to your comments regarding certain illustrations, I would like to say two things. First, that the type used on the running heads of all pages will be the same as that used in Bierman and Mayer's WINNING FOOT- BALL rather than the italic type shown in the sample pages. We fully agree with your choice in this matter. In regard to the expense of resetting certain poems in roman rather than in italics, I am convinced that the change is not sufficiently important to warrant the expense involved. However, if you insist that these poems be reset we can do so after the galleys have been broken up into page form, but I must tell you that the expense of resetting these,as well as the expense of all changes made in the galleys and page proofs from original copy, is properly chargeable as author's alterations in accordance with the terms of the contract. We would greatly appreciate it, therefore, if you would refrain from making changes, especially such extensive ones as the resetting of this poetry, in order to keep down the cost of alterations to absolute minimum. Please, however, do not hesitate to a make corrections that are absolutely necessary, and you need TO McGraw-Hitt Book Company: INc. Dr. Allen PAGE two perme 10=+15-37 not worry too much about the charge for author's alter- ations. We have no means of knowing as to what the cost will be until after we receive the printer's invoice, but you will find us eminently fair in this as in all other transactions. In so far as is concerned your indication of the point of insertion of the illustrations, you can forget about it because, as mentioned in my recent letter, we have already done so. I have also explained to the printer how he should proceed, and we feel quite confident that when the page proofs arrive, you will agree that the printer has placed the illustration as close to the corresponding text as it will be possible to do and still preserve a pleasing appearance. ft have also noted your comments regarding exhibits 100-105 inclusive end will proceed immediately to make new illustrations in which the basket will be included. I am quite gratified that these are the only ones on which you think it necessary to make new cuts, and I think that you will agree that this "error" was quite an excusable one on our part because it did not seem to us that it was necessary to include the basket in these particular illustrations. With regard to exhibits that consist of two views, I believe that, for the sake of consistency, we will in- clude in the legend, information as to whether the view is "front", "rear", or “outside”, or "inside" even though this may be obvious in some cases from the illustration itself. i am also glad to tell you that the original photographs ,listed in your letter as missing, were not missing, and I believe that you were mislead by the fact that in a few instances you received two cut dummies, some of which went out to you without the photographs, because, as I believe it was explained at the time, we were not quite satisfied with the illustrations. When we had the engravings improved we sent new cut dummies to which were attached the photographs. All of these have now been re- turned to us. gAn- LOC