Mr. Curtis 7, MeGraw, licGraw-Hill Book Cos, 330 vest 42nd street, New York City. Dear Mr, lieGraw; pe! gol has just meiled mac or Borate Bierman. Not do "Winning vosteail y copy, but I appreciate aie I am very much plea: “th st. | I think he han@les it in a chatty, cohmaaty sort of way that would cause a fellow to keep on : veeding the text. Indeed, it is nicely Gone. ‘ - I also like the way your advertising man is edvertising the other Whittlesey House Sports Series, This boosts every one of the texts and puts them in a favored and distinctive class. | _ While the galley of Better Basket- pall and the diagrams are occu; ga lot of my ovkeentene 2 it may be necessary for me to forege the entire reading of this very interesting football text. But I?ll cet to it at the sankicit possible moment, as I find it very alluring. | | Siciebids dachiaa © Aiesel We 06 oes’ Oe * Gephers teke a licking from the Cornhuskers at Lin- : coin, it was a great game, However, the real joy was taken out of the ereenee ue on account of the near critical i Blden Peete the 80: Nebraska talibast 10 "peared a frac a coneussion. He was ae near dead es any boy I ever. want to see. I still maintain that they can take a lot of the rough stuff out of football and have a glorified basketball game out of it with more forward passing ané a prohibition of massed interference running. This will lessen injuries perceptibly. ; The Canadians have e game that cert es play which is : Ssuee sear tk aa a aeeie oo oo as our colleges v a English rugby. They do not permit this mass interference ahead of the runner, thereby making the game more open and less