Pee | I hed previously aictated my letter to you before your letter of the Wth arrived. eae very moch fer the check, I an patie tues’ o of the D, #10,00., people, and an earns te them the cheek for 200 I em erttipe ‘oe to Berton Brealey re= = “te Half Baek edérees is Bridce | a ReF sD. 1, He failod to answer my other etter. Poptians since it was written twenty-five years ago te | may have forgotten he ever wrote the poom, Anyhow, T an hoping he will answer my letter soon, tT am glad to have your angle on the Univer= sity colors. Onur colors sre crimson end bine, but ne .. they have brightened the colors now between a erimson and e seerict, I will send you a woolen swash of yarn so thet you can see the two colors and see whet your staff cen do toward combining them, Ordinarily crémson and blue are rather somber colors, The jecket of the Bierman book I think looks swell, i aiso thank you for your personel attention in — it to mo, It wee ——T nice of yous