Aree ee cone McGRAw-HILL Book COMPANY: ING. Linens MARTIN M. FOSS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN PRESIDENT McGRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT JAMES S. THOMPSON 330 WEST 42npd STREET FRANK L. EGNER VICE PRESIDENT MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT CURTIS W.McGRAW NEW YORK,NY. . JOSEPH A.HYLAND VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT 4c GRAW Ha? HEDEVOR ve HUGH J. KELLY WILLIAM E. HAWKE LL” NEW YORK . SECRETARY.& ASST. TREASURER SNe ee Neos: TRADE DEPARTMENT October 7 Drs Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: This will acknowledge your letter of October 4. I am glad you like your copy of WINNING FOOTBALL by Bierman and think it is a good manu- facturing job. We do, too, and I am sure it will sell well. I am also glad you like the way we are advertising the series of all of the sports books and it will, of course, be continued in that way so that they will all help one another. I am sorry about the Nebraska boy's: injury in the game with Minnesota but see by the papers he is improving. Certain of your thoughts about football, I agree with and some time when we get together we can go into the subject more thoroughly for I would like to have your ideas. I heve started our artist on the design of a jacket for BETTER BASKETBALL, having turned over to him the samples of the Kansas colors. As soon as he has something to show, I will get in touch with you. He is going through all of the illustrations in the book to give us his idea as to which is the best half-tone to use for the jacket. Hyland tells me that he heard from you yesterday morning and will soon write you in answer thereto, although he feels everything is going along right well at the present time.