TO McGraw-HiLt Book Company: ING. Dr. Allen PAGE two DATE 10-15-37 the printer and took the precaution of giving him some further explanation when sending the first batch of cut dummies of exhibits. We will place the illustra- tions on the same page, or the page facing the cor- responding text, if it is at all possible. You know, of course, that neither the engravings nor the type it- self are made of rubber. Consequently we must be given some leeway in this arrangement. | Another installment of corrected galley proofs is going forward to the printer today so that he can be going ahead with the corrections while awaiting the arrival of the cut dummies. All of the remaining cor- rected galleys are in our hands and will be sent to the printer as soon as they have been examined. Nothing is being delayed, and in fact I think we are making excellent progress. It was of course necessary for you to keep some of the cut dummies in order to compare the illustrations with the galley proofs. While we are proceeding with the page makeup and sending you page proofs, I am also giving some thought to the jacket and to the binding. You will hear from me in connection with these details in due course. After we have completed the breaking up of text into page form, we will then tackle the copy for the preliminary pages or “front matter" as these pages are termed, also com- municate with you in regard to the index. In other words we treat the text proper as one unit, the front matter as a second, and the index as a third, so please do not think that we have overlooked the front matter copy because you have not yet received any proofs. Proofs of this front matter material by the way, are usually sent in page form rather than to first submit galley proofs. Very,truly yours, A.HyYan hn oduction Department. JAH: LOC