September 24, 1937. Ur. 0. Py Loper, Superintendent of Schools, Derby, Iowa, | Dear Mr, Loper: E heave your very good letter of the 19th, and regret exceedingly that it was not possible for you te attend one of our coach ing schools this summer, : i am sorry to disapooint you in not Seucding you 4a summary of our defense, but I am head over heels in administrative duties in organizing our new Department of Physical Rducation in the Seleol of Education, | foo, I have just finished the manu-~ script of a new book entitled “Setter Basket= bell”, MeGraw-Hili and Company, of New York, will publish it, and it will be out some time in late October or early Foveuber, : _ Doubtless you have my book, * Basketball Bible", which was published some twelve years ago, All of the fundamentals — thet I now use are stili good as shown : the fundamentals,in "My Basketball Bible", but with the changes in rules and the olimin= — ation of center tip I have brought the new book up~to-date, | : | Lowe & Campbell, of Kansas City, and others will have it but the book will not be ready for basketball instrvetors who are starting their work now, I am very sorry that your little boy was i11, and I sincerely trust that he is en- tirely recovered now, I will pass the good word along to Coach Ralph Conger. I am sure he will be happy to hear from you, I am sending you a little excerpt of the book, “Better Basketball", incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales. I thought it might prove interesting to you, at least, With every good wish, I a Sincerely yours, FCASAR Director of Physical Education | OFFICERS OF BOARD BOARD OF EDUCATION Cc. E. TAYLOR, PREs. Cc. E. TAYLOR F. R. HIPSLEY, SEc. RAY TREDENNICK W. WOLVERTON, Treas. DERBY PUBLIC SCHOOLS W. R. LAZEAR O. P. LOPER, Supt. GEO. LAZENBY ELMER McCANN DERBY, IOWA 9/19/37 Mr. *Phog" Allen Lawrence ,Kan. Dear Mr. Allen: By way of introduction,I will say that I used to coach in Kansas and wanted to attend one of the coaching schools that you had charge of this summer but could not because my little boy was ill. I wonder if you could send,me a summary of the details that you use in your defense? I am very much interested in it and thot possibly you might have some material left from some of your coaching school courses that you would let me have cheaply. Our practice will begin — next week so if you could supply me with that I would appreciate it greatly. I might say that Conger and I used to play each other up in Smith County. If it isn't handy to let me have this, it is perfectly OK. Thank you very much. Sincerely yours, September 24, 1937. Geach Ralph Conger, University of Kansas, Deer Ralph: One of your old friends, 0, re — age of the Derby Publie Sch Towa, writes regurding ay now Piet on peaueteari. He asks me to extend to you his hearty gree al as ho recalls some of his physical conquests, or contests, or Gefeats, that you and he had up in Smith County. Sincerely yours, PCASAH Director of Physical Fducation September 24, 1937. Dear Merion: | : Thank you for sending me the excerpt from the manuseript of “Better Basketball", De you not think it would be 2 good idea to write Mr, Curtis %. MeGraw, viee president of the Mctiraw-ii{11 Company, and seeure his permission before any part of the text is run elsewhere? Of course, it will be copyrighted ani ther have the sole authority to give permission on anything lite that. i think your idea is « swell one and i believe tnat their oublicity man would go > strong for such a thing if you could ever find space for it. , 2 , I think thet “Dream Touchdown" story is a good one, but I might add that since it has been edited there has teen a slight change - in some of the constrwtion of it. We t: it better not to mention Bill Hargiss’ name as heving defeated him beceuse he might feol we were trying to teke advantage there, so we eee” the name in the final corrected manue 3 Sincerely yours, FCASAH. Director of Physical Education, GEORGE C. LOWE, PRESIDENT Oo. KEEDY CAMPBELL,V.P.& GEN.MGR. LES R.FREEBURG, VicE PRES.& TREAS KANSAS CITY, MO. MINNEAPOLIS,MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO PHILADELPHIA,PA. PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON,D.C. KANSAS CITY,KANS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, !|OWA CHARLOTTE ,.N.C. WORCESTER,MASS. ARNO F. HEINRICH,V.P.& FAc’yY. SUPT. R.C. CAMPBELL, ViCE PRESIDENT FRED M. WILLIAMS, SECRETARY May ss, Cran; Meo, September 18th, 1937 Dre Forrest Ce Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Dre Allen: Enclosed is a copy of the letter you write from Spirit Lake regarding the new booke Sorry that I overlooked this in answer to your previous lettere You sent me the copy on the article "Dream Touchdown" from Lawrence sometime last summer along with the information re= garding the changes in the basketball rulese I thought possibly I might be able to use it to good advantage in "The Coach" if I can ever find the space for ite Very cordially yours, LOWE & CAMPBELL ATHLETIC GOODS COMPANY oy = Me He Miller Editor "The Coach" MHM :IR KARL H.ROYER, MbdDSE. MANAGER LOREN V.BROWN, SALES MANAGER REED G.GENTRY, GENERAL AUDITOR BOSTON, . DALLAS, TEXAS CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINN. ST... 4067S, BUFFALO, N.Y. DOETR OT, MIiG#. DENVER, COLO. ITHACA,NEW YORK SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. BETTER BASKETBALL INCORPORATING TECHNIQUE, TACTICS AND TALES , : By Forrest Ce Allene 7 Si Ge : This entirely new text on basketball soiacony is not a rewrite of my Basket Ball Bible published in 1924 but is an entirely new book graphically ex= plaining in minute detail all of the latest developments in the evolution of ths gsamee A new prdbaubetios method ica heed attempted, that of showing the diagram, the phofgreph and the ebhituien or explanation of the play, all in sequences In fois manner it should be en easy matter to follow the minutest step in every play situatione Many things left to the imagination of the reader are now cleared upe 7 Better Basket Ball is profusely illustrated with 163 action bhote= grephs end 86 diagrams of pines Phoggraphs follow diagrams to give clarity. Individual offense, individual defense, team offense and team defense are exhaustively treated because upon the fundementalsof the individual are dependent the success of team fundementals and cohgequent winning wedounns Technique is individual offense and defenses Tactics are team offense and team defense while Tales are inspéerational stories of great games playede The psychological ingredient-sometimes a laugh = sometimes a tear - ‘make these stories not only intensely attractive but open up a new field to new coaches by using this highly ingeresting phase of basket ball pedagogy in actually winning games that iorwiss might be loste By turning adverse situations tite faeerible game winning surprises is the purpose of the author in presenting the chapter on Talese A most complete chapter on Treatment of Athletic Injuries has been presented to enable the coach to ERY bette? condition”his men under his charge end further to aid him in treating such injuries that a coach ae should know more aboute Often by simple and early treatment of a strain or - sprain, a player is saved from a more serious complication and a possible loss ¥ of an important gamee Two entirely new braces are introduced to the coaches and trainers in this texte A sacroiliac belt made inexpensively from a Ford inner tube and a brace for a dislocated shoulder is also photographed and the making of it deseribed for ihe readere Photographs of the injured player are shown and manipulations for corrections of injuries are described which enable the coach to become more expert in treating such injuriese In the oe of many, the chapter on Treatment of Athletic injuries is worth the price of the veoh Certainly a coach who is well versed in caring for his men will win more games than the coach who neglects this very important _ factore To dramatize & game and to provive exceptional entertainment between halves many times determines the success of a coache Better Basket Ball goes deeply into this important phase of the pregame and between=game activity and shows the manager and coach many possibilities in drawing patrons to the games who might not continue to come for the game attraction alonee For the junior and senior high school coach a chapter on Motiyation is highly interestinge A series of offensive and defensive skill movements are his outlined as a class problem which enable the high school coach to teach/pupils mass fundamentals without each player baadliae the balle Correct fundamental skills deveisy neurograms or brain tracts which are conducive to the making of fewer mistakese Mistakes are called fouls in basket ball and fouls defeat a team that makes too meny of theme Foul less and win more by learning correct fundamental skillse Better Basket Ball ineorporates everything that a player, coach, an official, a trainer or a manager of a team needs to know about his own special phase of ‘the gamée Nothing has been omitted to make this text the most complete and interesting story of this great indoor game yet writtene September 24, 1937. Wr. Curtis We MeOraw, MeGraweHill Book Company, 550 West €2né Street, New York City, Pe Dear ~ eGraw: an very — to receive your fine letter of Siutneber 2l. I never for a moment thought that you should a ie the nf eg vmcnt of the $125.00 for stenographie vork. point in passing that on to you was to let you oon thet wo wanted to get our master" s copy of the manuscript in fine shape. We had it typed, then scerrected, and ree eorrected three tines, so that we would reduce the | cost of publication " reducing to a minimum the ticel errors, trust that you did not think that we wanted you to pay for that, | ' However, my point in bringine that up. was to show you I had "been to guite considorablis exe - pense and that I % it would be fair if you could consider the othor bilis. You have done this, and I am more then pieased with your very generous: attitude. I am enclosing the bill/ from Yrofessor | Elbel for the drawing of the diegrams, I am also ene closing a ienckvied © bill for the $6.50, as this ins | volved two different fale onan, as ana I have had Mr, Voght put the two balls on one, @nd have paid him, So af you “yall send me ths * cheek for $6.50 I will appreciate ite eheck for ir, Elbel ought to go to him at your pleasure. Thank you very much, a In regard to the letters « all of then I @lways acknowledge and tell thom that fod am referring eitier ai eyezs, believe the eer Ge ny ing — interest to eneswer the tatters in a gy gy ag way I believe it will increase the. the” doalee for the dook. “te « Mr, Curtis W, licGraw. One lother iauaéhel I would like to ask wenle’ be on the binding and illustration that you are using on the Outside. While I/realize that I have nothing te do with the color the cover, I believe thet the oplor anil the illustr “ae has a lot to do with meking the book mere at tive, and I would da seeing what you mney in mind, if convenient or ree i : ; thie, Allen and r ‘are plenning on getting on the ‘calteve and exhausting them —— and painstaking attention as soon as chee ve. That is Detail No, 1 on our tims budget. US of course, that we will have to hold the plc fay woe have "all the illustrations and diagrams go that ¢ the manuscript - coincides, I assure you that you can count on our | coe operation One. hundred per cent. , . “You will find that Miss Giles heer the. infermatfon on the Breley poems. Vea will not let any grass crow under eat feet eoncerning the possibility of moving along in, =i rapid apaere ie | With every good wish, I am bee 4 Sincerely yours, FOAsAn . Direeter of Physical Baucation, JAS eS tae dans Mc GRAw-HILL Book COMPANY: INC. ane ee MARTIN M. FOSS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN VICE PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER McGRAW-HILL BUILDING CORE ee nen JAMES S. THOMPSON 330 WEST 42n0 STREET ee aieibeke NEW YORK,N-Y. JOSEPH A.HYLAND CURTIS W.McGRAW : PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT CABLE ADDRESS LONDON “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. ee oo eat : WKE . SECRETARY.&ASST. TREASURER September 21 i SBT Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear a Allen: I cdwiunicdgs your first letter of Sesbinber 15 in which you take up with me a few of your outstanding bills in connection with BETTER BASKETBALL. I shall be most frank with you in this connection, as I know you would want me to be. It is our policy and that of most publishers to help an author with his illustrations. This we have done and, of course, will approve the bill for $6. 50. when you pass it on to me. I think the bill of $50.00 for the draftsman should be approved as well, even though in most cases we would probably qeestion it. That bill pass on to me as well. ; Hodes: the bill for stenographic work in the amount of $125.00 seems to be out of order. In no case have we paid our author for his stenographic help and it has always seemed to us a part of the author's expense. In other words, the author should deliver a suitable manu- script. I know you will find this in line with common practice. ' : I have taken care of the inquiries from Mr. Williams, coach at Hampton Institute, which order we would naturally fill direct from here. I am also caring for the inquiry from Mr. Dingle of Calgary, both these inquiries in response to your two other letters of. September 15. It would seem to me that in the future you could pass such inquiries along to us and let our correspondence department handle them. It will save you a lot of time and effort, and peeeret ty an author gets a great many of these. Poet ee , - me me Pf 3 ee yh “ = —_ e " P =e ee 5 east ax! t " si : ae “fer es McGraAw-HiILLt Book GCoMPANY: ING. to Dr. Forrest C. Allen PAGE’ —27 DATE 9/21/37 : I see from the note on the bottom of the letter that the bundle of drawings, blueprints, photstats, etc. which were sent has had a covering letter so you know about them. To venture a guess as to the publication . date of BETTER BASKETBALL is at this time difficult. However, I should think it would be ready around the cae middle of November. The main thing which will be slow is making positive the diagrams and illustrations are ‘ right. The manuscript is already at the printers and ' they will start setting it, sending you galleys as ; they come off. You will naturally have to hold the i galleys until you get all the illustrations to make sure the manuscript coincides or describes the illus- trations and photographs correctly. We are putting : the pressure on these and you should have the illus- S trations pretty well complete within the next few weeks. To make the November 15 date it means, too, that you will have to give the proof reading very prompt attention. 7 One other detail which I had marked as 3 unfinished was the permission for the Braley poems. What is the situation as far as this is concerned? With kindest regards, Sincerely yours, CW : MK eae: eGR Rr ec ee ee rts ly September 25, 1937. UeGra awed] 5 HeOran Company, aoe a oe ity. ere | This morning I heve orithen a setter to iy, %, J, Gartner and Hiss eee Giles | regarding our “Better Basketball", I am sending re carbon copies of letter received from D, ton and wy in response to Letter inet tten to lr, Morgan “, Shuster, of their firm. Also there is a copy of my letter adéressea to ir, berton Braley, at Bridgeport, Conn., asking “ont the other poom, X took these sais lied: bane te turn’ them over to Urs, Aiien so that haat ey in turn could send then to Miss Giles, irs. s Allen was called out of tayn by yd ious ill- _ negs of her father, and this ashen i found the letters on her de jak: / been sent, So I an sending these te you since / you have written me concerning them, I thought that they had i thought that inasmuch as Mre, Allen and Wiss Giles were working on the editing of the book that it would save time. As soon as I hear from Berton Braley I will, of coe gend you the copy of his otter. a r me pay the $10,00 to D, Appleton ay auates eur Cire “E thought SS eaen your firm $25.00, but if vex _thoy, might char it, welt ait and good, That was my warpane in writing Berton Braley, rather than have you do it, as they always take a rap at the cor- : poration, I will’ be guided by your judignent. , t soy that I expect Mrs, Allen Sieh toy Khe ZErek at week to be ready for the galleys which she is expecting most any moment . , iy, Gartner wrote mo that he has 18 tracings of Giegrams fer my inspection and Gorrection, a3 the case may be. I want to assure you that we are going to give one hunired per cent attention to every oe that | comes in from your corporation regard~ ag Of the book wae Seer as fer as we Wath sie good wish, I am Sincerely yours, ; PCAs AB | --: DAveetor of Physical Education. . . September 25, 1937. fides I am delighted to know that you are eit fir tracings cf more of the distrams, I wil them my immediate attention and fire to you posthaste. ; LP I em immensely pleased with the prog ae Sane 29 Reine Ones ie yomrd tn are uit of the book, I am very enthusiastic By the way, Mr, Gartner, there . ct Wing distressing me ta little bit, When illeys come I am wo if the diagrams ings will accompany them. I imagine the Dar Ge te te, of comes, 32 0.90 the Shing for arawings back to you as soon as possible / ‘ a photographic plates can be made of them. _ ‘the thing distressing me is that while they are sending the galleys if they do not accompany them with the diagrams and half-tone photo not goals Sigyont Poe igag able to give our final a ee on the galleys. They are insisting that oe the galleys back at once, But I'll not ss the bridge until we get to it. Yes. Allen and I are both planning to ive our undivided time te the work from McGraw- 11 and Company, regardless of the department ‘from which it comes. We pledge you our undivided attention. Very sincerely yours, - PCAsAR : Director of Physical Education. ae aes Mc GRAW-:- HILL B oO OK. GC OMPANY-> ING 4 ., ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN MARTIN M. FOSS COLLEGE DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING : Fr . EGNER JAMES S. THOMPSON 3SQ WEST 42n0 STREET Ane ein DEPARTMENT CURTIS W.McGRAW NEW YORK,N-Y. JOSEPH A.HYLAND VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER % if EAODUCTION DEER TMENT CABLE ADDRESS LONDON HUGH J. KELLY. WILLIAM .E. HAW “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. TRADE DEPARTMENT KE SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER September 24,1937 Dr. Forrest C.#llen. University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas Dear Dr, Allen: Separately today I am sending you another in- Stallment of tracings together with the originals of the diagrams in BETTER BASKETBALL, I expect to have some more to send you possibly on Monday but surely on Tuesday. At this rate of progress you can be sure that we shall complete all of the diagrams and send them to you by the end of next week. Very truly yours, McGRAW-HILL BOOW COMPANY, INC., 7 od W./J. Gartner WJG:CC Production Department AT FaintiAIoa? Te BOAR Mc GrRaAw-HiLt Book COMPANY: INC. er MARTIN M. FOSS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN PRESIDENT McGRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT JAMES S. THOMPSON 330 WEST 42no STREET FRANK L.EGNER VICE PRESIDENT Ss MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT CURTIS W.McGRAW NEW YORK,N-Y. JOSEPH A.HYLAND VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT CABLE ADDRESS LONDON WILLIAM E. HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. nS ey SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER TRADE DEPARTMENT September 22,1937 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas. Lawrence Kansas BETTER BASKETBALL Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you very much indeed for your letter of September 16th. I am delighted to know that you are so well pleased with the drawings. I have received the package of the first six- teen drawings which you checked over. I shall have the correction made in Diagram 10 and also in Diagram 3. We are working hard now to complete the rest of the drawings. I expect to send you some more either tomorrow or on Friday, and complete them early next week. We have ordered all of the half tone illustrations and I am already receiving proofs of the cuts from the en- graver. As soon as I receive the proofs of a sufficient number in consecutive order, I shall forward them immediate- ly. I shall follow with additional installments as fast as I get together a sufficient number to make it worth while sending them. The proofs of the engravings I have seen so far look fine, and I am sure you will be pleased with them. Very truly yours, oo teh ~ 2uC., Pro J. Gartner WJG:CC tion Department P.S. I managed to get a little better service then I expect- ed from our lllustration Department. They delivered to me today the tracings for eighteen more of the diagrams. I am sending these to you separately by insured parcel post. We have finally reached the stage where we are meking good progress on the work, and this I know will please you. Hil I &. - September 29, 1937. Ure We J = ures Zz Gertee Seok Compeny, $30 Vest 42nd Street, New York City, WeYo Dear Mr, Gartner: : I an oturning the two sots of diagrams oe with a few slight corrections. . On diagram 16, play number &, I have nina the hook pass to agree with the manuseri pt. With each one of these diagrams I go over the manu- seript, and I found in this one the hook pass would be played off the right foot in this instance, and it should be made off the left foot. ; You notice that the corrections are made in red ink es we could not locate a blue pencil for the time being. The words “hook pass" should be tesatione the red ee is instead of in the previous LOCaCLON, “On diegrem 13, play number §, you will notices that I heave made the red arrow go directly to the dribble eireles rather than to point it out from the pivoting hie clarifies the pley situation, I have elso adéed (4)down to the basket so that it sample sen the play for the uninitiated, | The same thing is true in Gdegrass 14, play number 6s In diagram 15, ‘ies number 7, 8 a slight correction is helpful in this case by adding an additional circle to the diagram, This will make the arrow point into the circle rather then near it, It leaves no question to the imagination of the novice | coach or the fellow who buys the book _ who has not — a : All other diagrams are dandy ané need no correction whatsoover,. The more I look rest these the more enthusiastic I become about beck. | With every good wish, I am ee ? ; ad Sincerely yours, - *POALAE _ -Direetor of Physical E@ucation. JAMES H:McGRAW, JR. Mc GRAW- HILL B oO OK. COMPANY - ING = ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD MARTIN M. FOSS PRESIDENT JAMES S.THOMPSON VICE PRESIDENT CURTIS W.McGRAW CURTIS G.BENJAMIN COLLEGE DEPARTMENT Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING : FRANK L. EGNER 330 WEST 42n0 STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT NEW YORK,N-Y. JOSEPH A.HYLAND PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER : CABLE ADDRESS LONDON wie. 3 MEKLY WILLIAM .E. HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. TRADE DEPARTMENT SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER september 30, 1937. Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas © —_ BETTER BASKETBALL Dear Dr. Allen: By the time this letter arrives, you will un- doubtedly have received Mr. Gartner's letter of September 29th,and all proofs of the half tone en- gravings - Exhibits - accompanied by the photographs. f think that you will agree that these engravings are quite satisfactory both as to size of the finished cut, and in so far as is concerned the portions included. You Know, of course, that we eliminated unnecessary portions in so far as possible in order to keep down to a minimum the total number of pages of the book. I do not believe that you will find much to criticize, but you know, of course, that if you have any criti- cism to make, we are quite willing to listen to your comments,and if necessary, will make over any il- lustrations that you think might be improved. Please, therefore, return the photographs to us with the cut dummies when these are returned with the corresponding galley proofs for page makeup. The printer reports that the book will have a total of 127 galley proofs and, including yesterday's Shipment, fifty of these have now gone forward to you. Lt am expecting, of course, that you will return the cor- rected galley proofs and the corresponding manuscript pages,as well as the cut dummies of the illustrations in 11 installments,so that we may be proceeding with the correction and page makeup of the earlier galleys while you are reading the later ones. : in examining the galley proofs this morning, I was pleasantly surprised to know that the first diagram is not to be inserted until galley 49. Since we have now sent you all of the proofs of the exhibits, you Should be in a position to return the earlier galleys 7) McGraw-HiLt Book Company: ING. Dr, Allen | PAGE two DATE 9-30-37 and we can proceed with the page makeup as far as the point at which the first diagram is to be inserted. By that time, I am hoping that at least some of the earlier diamgrams will be ready and that we will have no delay whatever in the page makeup. Very truly yours, Pee .Auytend J AH: LOC Production Department. P.S. We are also sending you enclosed, proofs in cut dummy form of diagrams 1-12. I hope that you will like them. Most of them, as you know, are planned to appear two on a page, with descriptive legends beneath each, but without any text matter. It is not essential, of course, that they all be placed two on a page, because in some cases one diagram will appear on a page with text above and below. ‘The arrangement in the page proofs depends upon where the diagrams are to be inserted which you will of course indicate on the galley proofs. Sih RED Sy . Mp, Curtis ". MeGrau, MoGraweflill Book Co., S30 West 42nd Ste, New York City, Note - Dear Hr, HeGraws | 3 This morning I went down to the Vogt Stu@io an@ got the bill and paid fir, Yogt for the game. Will you kindly mail me the check? = eee picenes were some cat i: sent you | tographs gayso Saris . aud elviiion costume. fad they been ordered by NeGreaw andi Company they would have cost $2,00 a piece for the 3 by 10. we The athletic injuries pictures that I ha@ Yogt make are the ones t MeClain faiied to meke, and rether than to have “eClain como back - from Kansas City ané pay him for automobile transe portation, et 92,00 a piece for the pictures, I had Yogt do it. ‘Those are the ones with the . trainer using pressure on the spine of the injured athicte to relieve pain. These three, of course, would have gost 200 a pisee. They are not as good as 4ce Clein’s work, but it finished out my text. Things are going fine, With every good wish, I em >. Me, ~ , ee ea ; ‘ Sineorely yours, ‘ Ya | a “se PCAAH Direetor of Paysteat- Bducatton. | “i Getober 1; 19376 Mr, We Je Gartnor MeGraweHill Bool: a 330 vest #end Stay Dear ip, Gartner: I have your note of the 27th altimo with tho originals of the first tracings. According oo your Suggestion, z shell keep these bréginals here. iz ins written to tr, Hyland toe at oe am returning ln this mail the lest ehipmont of tracings, I am also retaining the originals of this set, Mes, Allen is working Lard with Miee Giles on proofreading the galleys, iverything is gelng along LLRGs Sincerely yours, : FCAsAa Director of Physical Education, Memorandum from WILLIAM J. GARTNER. DATE “CR OF heal @. lben f ‘ Ylew fora“ Pitticegeo yous Chic thra- aeck heekctene Ll. 5 aw Sea havoc. V oheet_ bent Aclir AS i tee Att~. acecttl a Mt f fall Let McGrRAw- HILL Book CoMPANy:- INC. McGRAW-HILL BUILDING SSO West enn STREET NEW YORK,NY. September 28,1937 Dr. Forrest C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence. Kanses BETTER BASKETBALL Dear Dr. Allen: The final installment of bla as are being dispatched today. Very truly yours, McGRAW-HILL_B — : Uf. . Gartner WIG:CC Produétion Department Oetober 1, 1937» Mre de As yf enon ieGraw~iii11 Sook $50 Vest 42nd St., New York City, Neve Dear ir. Hyland: Your very good letter of the 27th ultimo has been yasedeon, and I am very ha that we are going to be able to work out the dete quite satisfactorily, according to your heteur. | < am retaining the originale in the ijast shipment from McGrawellill, anf am sending back today the tracings, They are all quite satis-e factory and ther have no corrections that I can observe at the present tins. ne thing, please correct nie. | Things are going along fines With every good wish, I am Sineerely yours, FCA:AH = =——“(its*i‘ié‘«éi tt OF Phyehcal Edacation, Carne Mc GrRAw-H1ILL Book COMPANY: INC. pees (een? CURTIS G.BENJAMIN MARTIN M.FOSS PRESIDENT McGRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT | ; FRANK L. EGNER ete. eon 3 SO WEST. ae STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT CURTIS W.McGRAW NEW YORK,N-Y. ms JOSEPH A.HYLAND VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER : ; PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT : CABLE ADDRESS : LONDON HUGH J. KELLY WILLIAM E. HAWKE . “MCGRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. Se eee K SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER September 27, 1937. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Division of Physical Education University of Kansas — Lawrence, Kansas BETTER BASKETBALL Dear Dr. Allen: Mr. Gartner has turned over to me your letter to him of September 25th because he knew that I was “fixin" to write you about the very thing that is giving you some cause for worry, nemely, the fact that you will have galley proofs for examination, but will not have available for comparison with the text, the engraver's proofs of the engravings that are being made from the photographs and the line drawings. I am glad to tell you that I have a suggestion to offer which I am sure will work out satis- factorily because it has in other instances. Now in so far as is concerned the proofs of the engravings being made from the photographs, I am glad to say that most of these, practically all of them in fact, are ready, but I am sorry to say that we are not at all surprised at the quality of the engravings as shown by the proofs submitted by the engraver. Nevertheless we are not going to let this interfere with the work. I have asked Mr. Gartner to rush to you as promptly as possible, one set of proofs of these half tone illustra- tions which will be in the form of cut dummies. ‘The photo- graphs will not be sent with these proofs because we want to return the photographs to the engraver with a second set of proofs so that he will see wherein he has failed to make good reproductions, and improve the engravings either by ad- ditional etching, or by the making of entirely new engravings. Now in so far as is concerned the tracings of the diagrams, you have already returned the first seventeen, and. another sixteen are going forward to you today. If the illustration department keeps the promise made to us, the. balance of these will go forward to you tomorrow. When you receive these tracings, I suggest that TO Mc GrRaAw-HILL Book COMPANY: ING. Dr. Allen PAGE two pAtE 9-27-37 you. examine them carefully in comparison with the original copy and return the corrected tracings only to us imme- diately. We will have the illustration department make the changes you will indicate on the tracings and then proceed with the making of the reproductions. If you will retain the original copies from which the tracings were made, and, by the way, we will return to you today the original copy for the first seventeen which you returned with the corrected tracings and you can use these original copies for comparison with the text in lieu of the actual cut dummies. I am quite sure that this procedure will work out satisfactorily and will enable you not only to indi- cate on the margin of the galleys the actual or approximate point at which the diagrams should be inserted in the page makeup, but will enable you to return the corected galley proofs and the corresponding manuscript pages immediately. By the time these galley proofs are returned, we will un- doubtedly have completed the making of the engravings so that we will be in a position to send the corected galley proofs to the printer for page makeup,together with the cut dummies,and the actual engravings,and the illustra- tions that are to be inserted in the galleys during the process of the paging. In the case of the cut dummies of the photo- graphs, you will have no difficulty, but we would appre- ciate it if you would retumrm the photographs as well as the cut dummies even though you may be entirely satis- fied with the reproductions. We would like to keep all the photographs available until the work has been com- pleted in the event that during the process of production, some accident might occur that would necessitate the making of a new engraving. Of course if you have any criticism or suggestions to offer in regard to the reproductions made from the photographs, you may indicate your wishes directly . on the cut dummies. There is one further point which should have your careful attention, and it is the final copy for the descriptive legends that are to be set in type beneath the illustrations in the finished book. During our recent con- ference, we mentioned the fact that the legends that appear on the photographs and on the diagrams were not necessarily final, and it was agreed that when returning the corrected galleys and cut dummies for page makeup, you would furnish final copy for these descriptions. aE) Mc Graw-HiLL Book CoMPAny-INc. Dr. Allen - PAGE two pate 9727-357. In the ease of the diagrams, we sincerely hope that you will confine the descriptive legends to a single line of type because most of the diagrams have been planned to be arranged two to a page. We have made them to the maximum size for this purpose. It is not so important that the descriptive legends for the half tone reproductions be confined to a single line, but we hope that you will make them as brief as possible. The above procedure, at least in so far as is concerned the diagrams, would mean that we would proceed with the page makeup without first submitting proofs of the engravings for your approval, but since the engravings will be photographic reproductions of your tracings, this would not be serious. However, just as soon as we have any engraver's proofs available of the diagrams, we will send you a duplicate set of these by air mail and the proper figure numbers will be found on these proofs. If they are satisfactory you need not bother to return this duplicate set of cut dummies, but if you find anything seriously wrong, we hope that you will wire us immediately. Finally, I am enclosing another copy of our four page Instructions to Authors leaflet, the first page of which contains full and complete instructions about the | proper procedure to be followed in the handling of proofs. - In so far as is concerned the return of proofs, or cor- respondence, please understand that it is necessary only for you to address either proofs or correspondence simply to the production department. It is not at all necessary to address proofs or correspondence to any individual be- cause we are mainly interested in getting our hands on the material. Very truly yours, duction Department. JAH: LOC