September 15, 1957, ir, W Sch as ceagasyy aborts Dear Mr, Dingle: ) Pardon my delay in answering your very kind cuianiedanhion of August 19th. was in New York and Indiana the summer vacation, and upon returning to the University found i letter awaiting me. | In regard to the new book entitled "Better Basketbali" incorporating technique, tactics and tales, edited the McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 330 West 42nd Street, Yew York City, I desire to state that this book is not yet o: "the press but | My, Curtis ¥, McGraw, vice president of the firm assures me that it will ve out in the very near future. I am sending Mr. McGraw a copy of your letter together with a carbon copy of mine, I am very sure that he will write oT oS you —— information regarding the con and the pub lication. With pardonable pride I desire to s that this is, in my opinion, the best book that TI have ever published, and the most complete as well as up to date, sue, tetas adi a ter cee Seaitwe seuiadiies of chee eet eee hensive exposi Giagrams. I feel rather confident in crkee that i believe you will With every good wish, I an Very cordially yours, a FCA:AH Director of Physical Education, 4