Septenber 15, 1937. Wr, Chas. H, Williams, . Hampton Institute, Hampton,, Virginia. My dear Mr, Willdeme: .I assure vou that I remember you yery well, and happy to have heard from yous, / This past summer I just.completed a manu- script for a new book entitled "Better Basketball" incorporating technique, tactics ard tales, The book is to be published this fall by the McGraw- ~ Hill Publishing Company, 350 West 42nd Street, New York City. I would suggest that you write to lir, Curtis W. MeG@raw, of the licGraw-~Hill ee ae sek him to give you the information ¢ some of their dealers in your territory. All sports goods houses will have this book on sale, and x oo very happy if you could get a copy of the new * Trace. Gk. Gio sk S5nt SS? eieee ; This text is much superior to my."Basket- ball Bible", and as it is written to bring the reader up to the present tense in basketball I om very sure that you will find it quite valusble, ‘I have over 160 action photographs and more than 80 diagrams of plays, together with exe iS position that clarifies these plays for the reader, ey I have shown ell the fundamental screens, how to | work th h @ zone on man to man defense, and also “how meet these plays from a defensive of athletic injuries, and othe “valuable. da ae Ae » e¥ > ge g fie \ comprehensive than my previous publication. | If there is anything further that I can do ‘for you at any time, please command me. It was a pleasure to have you in my course \