Secretary, Tilinéts High School Athletic Assn., 1l South LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois, Dear H, ¥.: I received a jetter fren Mr, W, 4, Dingle, - Calgary, Alberta, Canada, asking, for, inforsation the pe pobltcetion o¢ ny now bog Better Basket- bell", tactics and tales. He states . oss you gave hin oo ita iaheren tion concerning the book, ané-I wish to add my thanks to you for your kindness in passing the ood word along. it was very kind of you, i have your name on the list for an auto- graphed ¢ ef the book, This is the smallest oo that I can do in appreciation of your contri- Ons ; Frankly, Ve, 1 think I am going to have onplete a wah superior book to my "Basket~ bali B Bible". I believe you will like it. At least I hope 80. “ani I am serious in endeavoring to make it worth the money. / | While in a = summer on two different ‘ eccasions I called your “ but upon both situations I found ite Leg =< or I wanted to drop-by and have a little visit with you, With every aveh alah; I an + Very sincerely yours, FCA: AH Director of Physical Education,