In my early days of coaching I formed the habit of taking a peneil end pad of paper to bed with me, attaching them to the bedpost by a piece of string. ly very best plays end mmerous Imotty solutions always eame to me in the eerie morning hours, but invariably one wabees cee Oaenlh ot bids ahd econ as 9 atm 5. eribbled them down , T emnnot explain the twilight sone between « ——— The psych t m: sewghly cuplatn © Green os fenees Gxieun ty sere nentel currents tet we do not understand, yot the tn- or forces might jell for a period, then might flow at a most unexpected time. This funding of all the years AEE Ae SPOR + aie I hall relate the Grom as I told it that day to the football team: 7 , staat aaw.@ Manges enveghane with: On Sunee at, sa A it i ltl i im SY sitet Me a cement EER AB Se lS