maassnrccinrenas ieinasemeea om ZN fy} fi A (UnM/V anf TELEGRAM e June 5th, 1941 Western Union Dean John Bunn Stenford University Stanford, California Bert DeGroot has recommended Clyde Boorhess a as his successor. Will you kindly wire me fulsome and critical description and estimate of his ability. Do you have others as good as DeGroot. He was exceptional. Sincerely } \ i CLASS OF SERVICE E, S E RN 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate \ Dente ee Boies es Ais J NT =Overnight Telegram erred character is in- { 0 4) LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. C. WILLEVER Ship Radiogram PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT - The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination KAV8 19 NT=PALOALTO CALIF JUN 9 lo4| JUN 6 AN” © 05 On FC ALLin UNI OF KANSAS ‘DEAN BUNN OUT OF TOWN AIR MAIL LETTER RECOMMENDING THREE MEN AS CANDIDATES FOR YOUR POSITION SENT ° ‘YOU TODAY= ‘M MCKENZIE SECTY.! } J THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE ¥ : oe | STANFORD UNIVERSITY eee OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN 4a me f> STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA May &, 1941 Oro FY . Ge Alien Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: | I tried to answer your letter of April 14th in person but found that you had taken on the baseball team for a‘little relaxation during the spring and as a con- sequence you were at Ames at the time I called at the office. Your report of the final play-off on the NCAA tallied very closely with the reports which Everett Dean brought to me. Jack Friel seems to be in the habit of pulling stunts which are not the most strategic or which have not the desired psychological effect on his boys. In any case they certainly seemed to be playing under par against Wisconsin. It is undoubtedly true, however, that the type of game Wisconsin played against Washington State affected the results a great deal. It is too bad that we have to put up with such unsportsmanlike playing. George Nettles came up from Pittsburg for a short visit. It was good to see him. You probably know that we saw the Rose Bowl game together. It was fun to be around the campus. Since I have become Dean of Men my trips east have become more infrequent. It was for this particular reason that I enjoyed seeing so many of my old friends. The campus certainly looked fine. I would like to get back for Commencement and help with the Seventy-Fifth Celebration but I am afraid my recent trip east exhausted the family budget. Sorry that I missed you. Sincerely yours, a May 7th, 1941 Mr. John Baun Dean of Men Stanford University Stanford, California Dear John: I just received your good letter of the second instant and I assure you that I regretted more than you know, missing you when you were in Lawrence about ten days ago. I certainly would have enjoyed a "bull fest" with you and George. Yes, I have taken on baseball because I was vain enough to listen to the supplications of some orphan baseball players. Two years ago, Ralph Conger, freshman coach of football, was asked to coach baseball. Conger had never played the game. He left to coach Wentowrth Military Academy. Last year, Mike Getto was given the baseball team to coach and he had never played the game. Mike left last year to coach the ss Dodgers. So, I was asked by the boys and Dean Stockton, member of the board, if i would take over the baseball team. Three years ago, the Varsity boys came in to me and asked me to coach the team. I told them that was up to the Director of Athletics. Last year they again came to me and asked me to coach and I gave them the same answer and told them if they wanted me to take the team the Director of Athletics should ask Me Gwinn came into my office and asked me if I would take the team, stating that there was no additional money for coaching it and that he didn't want to ask me to assume extra duties with no extra pay. He rather thought it would be asking too much of me. But frankly, Johnnie, I felt sorry for the youngsters. The fact that most of the players knew a lot more than the coach made a most embarrassing situation and the crewd would sit and laugh at the antics of the ball. — has not been ooo eee here for several years and as a consequence, things have run "down at the heels" in this sport. You can appreciate this when I tell you that my entire infield on the Varsity had never played a game of Varsity and Fresh- man baseball for “ansas. You may not remember Johnny Krum, Virgil Wise, and Elmo “aiden, but all these little fellows were in that peat eeh Junior League that you, Doctor Bice and I coached. Bobbie Allen has not played any baseball since he graduated from the Junior League and has played very little Ban Johnson Ball, but we have him playing first base and serving as relief pitcher. Bob has been very busy preparing for his entrance to the Medical School at the University of Pennsylvania, and incidentally, winning a Phi Beta Kappa key. So, he has not been out for baseball until this spring and that was after a very strenuous basketball season. We played some good games but we have had only eight days of practice. I ' have never seen such rainny weather. Oklahoma beat us two to one, at Norman. The second game was rained out. Then, no practice until we went to Ames, beat Iowa State, 8 to 7. The next day we had a track meat, losing to Iowa State, 23 to 6. Yesterday, Mr, John Baun Page Two we lost to Missouri, 5 to 0. We played nice ball but had no offense and Missouri had a crack pitcher. ‘he game was played in one hour and thirty five minutes, so you know it was a good ballgame. We're playing Missouri again today and I'm hoping it will not be another track meet. : It will take two or three years to build the way things are, but frankly, John, I do like baseball because it gets me out of the office. But I have talked too long about this sport and now just a word--back to our original premise. Yes, George Nettles told me that he had a swell time with you at the Rose Bowl’ Game. He got a "terrific bang" out of it. Aren't you coming back for Commencement? We heard that you were. I would eertainly enjoy a long visit with you, and I would surely like to see how you have improved with those irons. The Couritry Club course was never in better shape than it is now, and, in addition to my other duties, they have named me chairman of the tournament committee of the Country Club. This June we are having the “ansas Amateur Championship there so it would be good to play a few games with you. In addition to our Missouri game this afternoon, I meet my spring basketball boys for practice at 7:00 o'clock, and we have a Country Club dinner at the same tine, which, of course I will miss. We have matched the two teams, and last Saturday morning, I played Guy Smith and was lucky enough to lick him so I have a free dinner coming tonight out there and just to think having a free dinner and not being able to eat it. I'm only meeting my basketball boys for a spring practice nine nights-three weeks; three nights, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. So, 111] have to "stick to my knitting". | Can't you promote the sale of some. of your Government Bonds and bring Bonnie along for the 75th Anniversary Celebration? With lots of luck and best wishes. * an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and - Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCAsre STANFORD UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA May 12, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Doc": Thanks for your good letter. I know the fun that one gets out of baseball. I believe I really enjoyed coaching this sport more than any other, and particularly did I enjoy my association with the Junior Twilight League teams. Bonnie and I had originally planned to get back for Commencement. My recent trip, however, was an unexpect- ed one, due to the death of my mother in Tulsa, and now I am afraid that a second trip cannot be financed. I have just recently written to all of my class- mates who are in the Rocky Mountain region and west, in- viting them to join me in Lawrence. I am afraid that my letter is just a little bit hypocritical but maybe some- thing will happen so that I can take a flyer back for Commencement. I would certainly love to do it. I read with a great deal of interest the news item that announced Bobbie's election to Phi beta Kappa. I have been wanting to send him a note of congratulations. Cordially yours, Mre Ase C, Burrows, General Agent, New York Central System, 912 Fairfax Building, Kansas City, Missouri. Dear Mr. Burrows s I have your letter of the 12th instant, and beg to advise that I am not expecting to attend the National Boxing Association meeting at Winston-Salem on Sepgember 8-10. Mr. Gwinn,Henry, our Director of Athletics, is the representative. I do not know how my name appeared on the list - it probably was an old list. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach. r Mr. Bill Brill, 1922 No. 24th St., Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Bills “I have just returned from my coaching school in Towa and find your letter of August 24st here to greet me. Yes, sir, you and Tommie Thompson cam count on a job when you start to school. It will be a pleasure for us to have you with us at the University, and you can explain to Tommie that it is necessary to enroll and then we can plen the work in conjunction with your other schedule. | ‘The enrollment schedules have not been received from the printer as yet, but as soon as we are able to obtain these we shall be glad to send you one. Registration takes place on Friday and Saturday, Septenber 12 and 15, and en- rollment is on Monday end Tuesday, September 15 and 16. Since you enrolled in the College last fall as a freshman no doubt you will wish to continue in that school. However, as soon as you come to Lawrence if you will see Dr. Elbel, in the Physical Education Department, he will be very happy to advise you regarding your enrollment and help you plan your schedule. We will be happy to see you when you come. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach. [G22 Yo oe ae August 12, 1941. you at any tins willl be glad Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coaches Atwood, Kansas August .5, 1941 Dr. Forrest C,. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kanses. Dear Dr. Allen: I wish to thank you for your interest in me and the notification of the openings at Stanberry High School. I have written Mr. Haas thanking him and informing him that I am inter- ested in the vosition. I have had Mr. Chandler forward my creden- tials to the Stanberry High School and have written the principal there to tell him of my desire to make a personal application. I would have gone immediately but conditions were such that I could not go before Monday. I also have been informed of an opening at Lansing. I have sent my anplication to them and intend to make a personal anplication there on this same trip. Thank you again for your recommendation and assistance. Yours, sin ~ el a Ramte Beims. se 2 ose ae NEw YORK CENTRAL SYSTEM A.C. BURROWS GENERAL AGENT W.G.MYERS 912 FarRFAX BUILDING PASSENGER REPRESENTATIVE VICTOR 6384-6385 W. J.HOLTMANN KANSAS CITY,MISSOURI PASSENGER REPRESENTATIVE Aug ‘ a 2 ; zr 941 . SUBJECT: National Boxing Association of the U.S.A. Winston-Salem, N.C., Sept. 8th-lOth, 1941. Dr. Forrest Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Dr. Allen:- In connection with the above meeting we are advised by the Norfolk and Western Railway that Mr. Joe Triner, President of the association at Chicago, desires all members to go to Cincinnati, using the N&W through Wins ton- Salem sleeper leaving that point on "The Pocahontas" at 10:15 PM, arriving Winston-Salem 2:00 PM the next after- noon. This sleeper contains lowers, uppers, and bedroom accommodations for one or two persons. They anticipate enough members will attend to warrant the operation of a special sleeper from Cincinnati September 7th. You can leave Chicago 1:45 PM or St. Louis 12:05 NN via New York Central System, arriving Cincinnati 8:55 PM, in ample time to connect with the above service. Your local ticket agent will be pleased to quote you fares from your city to Winston-Salem, and also train schedules to either Chicago or St. Louis. As a matter of information the lower berth rate Cincinnati to Winston- ~ Salem is $4.50; upper $3.40; bedroom for one $8.05; bedroom for two $8.95. ‘Will appreciate your advising whether or not you will attend this meeting, and if so space desired from Cincinnati, so that members from this territory can be located in the same sleeper. If we can furnish additional information or be helpful in any other way, please command us. Yours very truly, THE NEW YORK CENTRAL SYS RAILROAD, PROVIDING THE INDUSTRIAL HEART OF AMERICA WITH THE HIGHEST TYPE OF PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE re Cu Os Burnside, Carpanter Paper Cos, Oklehome City, Okla. Dear Cobs | Thank you for your good letter. It is mot necessary to reply to this ome because I will be on my way at the end of next week for Boone, Iowa. Prior to that I am going up a couple of deys early to Mason City, Iown, where Charles Strickland, whom you perhaps remember es a pepper-upper for Phi Psi, is putting on | @ big rush party at his Clear Lake home. : He has « golf tournament, boating, swimming, and so forth, and I imagine he will have all those Iowa rushees with their eyes popping out for cold Phi Keppa Pei. Ee has me listed es ome of the enimated cartoons at a dinner et the Mason City Country Club, and I am to appear along with Wile Kimnick and Justice Garfield of the Supreme Court, And you know what I am going up for is a good visit, @ gwim, and ea game of golf, 4nd if I cen meet any of the young _ promising brothers of course it will be a pleasure. | Now, back to Hank Iba, and this is the final. I do not expect to mention a game to the youmg Sir Galahad of Oklahoma, and _ if he does mention the same to me there will be no retraction from my stend. If the game isn’t worth that much for playing it, it isn't worth it at all, end since all of the initiative wae on his part in the beginning it will be a cold day in his part of the country before another game ig booked. He started the barrage at Meryville through his friends on the newspapers, stating that Kansas was afraid of him, The seme line of argument was used with his friends when he went to de & UM, If he mentions anything about it I will tell him that 1 do not like this back-door psychology that he operates with. I em not arguing with you, Cob, because you and I do not have to do thet, but you state that he played | nat California last yeer and they both carried away a chunk of dough. I don't see how they could heave carried away much if he made the same proposition to them that he is making to me. We don't make any money at all on a $400.00 guarantee. You also mention that he can get five thousand wild-eyed fans out for an exhibition with Central State of Bdmond. I do not doubt that in the least si he has about seven thousand students there. } statement that he wouldn't make much money I meant is drawn in from over the state that pays cash at n try to abrogate i om some flimsy ae Personally, cane in the sgrmay wea ho tart’, So you can see that I em in no mood to talk ss ce wes oe ee alae tdaetins aaa ak oe as You won't forget that I went down there with a green sophomore team and dedicated his field house and teok two lickings — and all this when there had been back-door pressure to play these bell games. I think I am in a pretty good spot to tell him, if he opens up, and perhaps you lowing me as. you do cen bet your money that he is liable to get an earful. With all good itaten esi pou: ant your family, I am Sincerely yours, ampen El PAPER COMPANY bi 5-1 8-1 8.010 8s PRIMTUNG (4H 0 WRAP PUN GS. PAPERS 860-880 N.W.SECOND, 0 K LAH OMA Cite. G94 ta te ee August &, 1941. Drs F, Gy Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, “ansas. Dear Doctor: It is my understafding that you and Hank Iba will be together in loewa next week and I am certain you will get to work out your game schediles or else decide it is useless to discuss the matter further with him. You may be assured that if this is the procedure, you will never be censored by me for I think he was trying to do a little chiseling. While he is in the wind-blown, and it is true that Oklahoma is his big game, you are mistaken in the thought that he has few temas in his conference that draw a Bates Tulsa and Creighton draw as well as Kansas and it is surprising the way they fill that barnregularly regardless of the = competition. He can get 5,000 wild-eyed fans out for an exhibi- tion with Central State of "Hdmona , and that is no mistake, He has crammed a snappy little rule down the Missouri “nie boys throat whereby he pays his own expenses to each of the other campuses and he pockets all of the home gate, I think this is rather clever management . In this way he netted $14,000-for A, & M,-‘ast year and this clover money helped carry football which has..been in the same bracket as the old Crimson and Blue of Kansas, a loser onthe field and a sorry gate attraction. He had the idea that he could put you in practically the same basis and I guess he thought it would be all right if you would accept. He played Texas and Southern Cal last year and they ae DES: REBT ORS PRINTING -AND WRAPPING PAPER: 860-880 N.W.SECOND, 0 K LAH OMA ei eee ek ea both were money makers for him and they both carried away a chunk of doughe If he ever gets the proper climax with a series with Kansas, you should make a couple thousand dollars. One thing you will have to admit and that is you will always carry away two or three times as much of his money as he will take from your campus. I am not trying to extend the argument but I think you have him wrong inthis respect. We have had a nice break in the weather and we are just as comfortable here this week as we would be in Colorado. Of course, you don't have the thrill of going away. When Vic was here, his tone didn't sound very hopeful for this fall. He spent most of his time telling Bus and me how difficult it was to develop a team at —: Sound ed liketold Ad Lindsay's line of defense. The nsas situation certainly must be futile with such leadership as our gridiron forces have at the moment. I hope you have a good school in Iowa and please accept the above comment in the spirit in which it is given. Very ordially yours, a COB:MB Mire Jack Back, Dear Jacks si did seen Lilie wt ts Os ree ate imow that you are on the training schedule. We hope it ig ome hundred per cent. SE iid wuld Chie: Stes tenor were ta seutenily morning and Otto will be able to make e decision in the very mear future. He will write me and inform ge just what he does. Ho soune: to Jwem Sound Kaneas af the present time. 1 dvaiped in te wee Hew Bed Palbueting the a ancial secretary in Mr. Henry's office. I showed him your letter and he took your size end will order your sweater. He will maii it to you at the earliest possible time. I eam glad you are helping your father count your dad's nickels. You will be able to appreciate how petientiy he stayed on the job that he can give you an opportunity to improve yourself up here. 4nd you told me you were going to do fist that, Jack, » ‘Awaiting with pleasure to seeing you in the fall, I an | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach. l THE FARMERS STATE BANK CHAS. W. JOHNSON, President CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $30,000.00 | J. I. WILKISON, Vice-President E. T. BECK, Cashier + R. A. OLEEN, Ass’t. Cashier DWIGHT, KANSAS H. R. JOHNSON, Ass’t. Cashier August 8, 1941 Dear Yoctor Allen, I recieved your letter and thought I would write and let you know that I've tried to get in shape this summer. I worked out at Sublette, Kansas, scooping wheat, driving a tractor, truck and riding a combine. I saw Ed Hall once in a while and I also struck up a friendship with Otto Schnellbacher. I tried to point out the advantages of coming to K. U., but don't know whether I convinced him or note He has had offers all over and when I left, he was preparing for a trip to Colorado to see Frosty Cox and to look things over there (expenses paid). Incidently, the lady in Mr. Henry's office told me to leave my name and my sweater size in the office and if my grades were 0. K. they would mail my Sweater. I failed to do this as I didn't know my sweater size. Now I know my grades were 0. K. and my sweater size is size thirty eight (38). Now I'm working in the bank with my father while the assistant in on his vacation. I will work here about two weeks. There isn't any promising material from around here coming to school next year,but in a year we should have a couple of good boys. Wright is working in Colorado, but I don't think he expects to come back to school. Good luck on your trip east to Coaching School. Sincerely yours, Sek Wat Mr. Seu By Busler, 402-404 Land Bank Blidge, 15th West lOth St., Keneeas City, Mos Dear Sam: Thank you for your fine letter of invitation to play golf with you on Monday afternoon, August lith. I am sorry that T hed previously made arrengements to go in for thet afternoon for a physical check-up with my good, amiable friend, Dre Don |. Carlos Peote. If had made this appointment a couple of weeks ago end even though your fine invitation to pley golf is more com pelling then heaving someone listen to my ticker, nevertheless I feel that an individual should be gone over once in a while for safety's sake. The feet that my good friend, Howerd Jones, passed on edly had nothing to do with it. Bver since lest winter en promising Dr. Poete that I would come in for a com rity me F gages going up a couple of days early to be alwei group and their rushees,. after I get back from Iowa if a point to run in for that game of golf. afternoon free with no encumbrances, I can make some of my comections that Citys Thank you agein, Sem, and wo will have that golf geme if I have anything to do with it, : I want to tell you how very proud I am of Bob in his fine golf competition, He made a up hill fight here at the University against conditions i wore rether discouraging, but he fought his wey out of it and showed them that he was the best golfer of the outfit. Give him my sineerest wishes for his contimued success and happiness, 4nd the same to yous Director of Paysieal Education and Recreation, besa. Basketball Conthe : TELEPHONE -VICTOR 7627 in wi COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE 402-404 LAND BANK BLDG. tS WwEST Ost! ST. KANSAS Crry,Mo. August 5, 191 Mr. Forrest Cc. Allen Director of Athletics Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Fog; The Sanford Brown American Legion Bulletin has just come to my desk and I notice thet you’ are booked for a speech at the Sanford Brown monthly meeting; Monday, August 11, 191. Since Bob and I are staying home this summer; (Bob is working down at Swift»& Co.) why don't. you plan on coming down for a golf game Monday afternoon and for dinner with us. Monday evening? .1t may be that?Bob might not be able to get off from work Monday afternoon, but even if he can't, we'll have a golf game. It has been so hot that the course is very much dried out and with the thermometer. around 100, I haven't been playing very much golf, but it's raining here now and the weather has cooled off at least temporarily. In any event, I would enjoy having you play with us; at Mission Hills and I would like to. hear from... ws you at your convenience. With kindest ‘personal regards, I am Yeursygvery truly, SEB: DL FO.9 BURD S&S FLETCHER PTG.CO. » 4 i r Ure Ce Oo Burnside, Carpenter Paper Co., Oklahoma City, Okje. Dear Cob: Thank you for your good letter of the Slst ultins. I had just simply marked the two games with Oklehom As & Me off of our calender. I em not begging Hank Tbe to play us and if he wents to play us he will pley us under the seme terme that wo have played before. : I am mot cocky nor am I arrogent, but I am rether fed UD. I can remember years ago when he coached at Maryville Teachers College, McBride snd other sports i would say, "Why don't you play Hank Ibe?* And then when he won % down to Oklahoma Ae & M. I 2 know, Cob, I em strong for fellows who ere direct. | eee a ee ee i Tha bad (uae ghecd Gnd arvenged kis cuhetule withiwk due consideration for the other fellow, and as fer es I am con- cerned I wouldn't care whether I play him or not. I do went to thank you, at least, for trying to make reparations. But when we peg Hon cece agnint pil egharppterters hy lion Reng He Well, it has been a little warm here, but wo still like Kansas and her enviromment. A couple of momths in the year it is a KC an enthusiastic booster for Kansas. With kindest regards to all, I am Sincerely yours, FCA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. ae penance nr ces DISTR Ewe Rs PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS 860-880 N.W.SECOND, 0 K LAH OMA C11 ys. ©. Rt Aa ee July Sl, 1941. Br. ¥. G.Alien, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: Since our last exchange, I had a luncheon date with Hank Iba and Bus em and believe you me we had a long, hard round. We fought this thing out about as vigorously as you and Hank do on the basketball court. After the luncheon, I wouldn't have given a dime for the chances for our game. He was pretty stubborn and set on his terms. He did suggest that Bus and I join him over the weekend on a floating trip down the Illinois River where the matter where the matter would be finally settled. I didn't get to join the party, but I understand the boys had a grand time and caught a lot of fish. His parting sentence to Bus was, "Teil Cob I am going ahead end play Doc the way he wants me to." He was reasonably certain all along that you two could get together at the Coaching Sehool which you have together in August. The boy really wants to play you, but he is a little spoiled by the Missouri Valley League. He writes his own ticket with them and expects to do so in every tournament. I certainly think this is a series of games that should be continued. Hank says that he would like to play you every) Saturday night if his health permitted, but he sdmits that it would be pretty roughi. after all the argument that Doc and 1 have hac eries of games, these kids witt really have at« it when they get together on the court next winter. Lary AT Cl pares OVS TRESS RB TORS PRINTING Bo0-060 0.0 Sttonwo, O KX tL AH O MA COM PANG AND WRAPPING PAPERS City, @b ts 8 ee I hope you are enjoying a little cooler weather than your friends in Oklahoma. can take it. With kindest personal regards, 1 am Sincerely yours. ‘eae COB:MB It is pretty tough, but we WINTERVILLE astern Carolina Somphonic Choral Association ocean Greengille, North Carolina ROBERSONVILLE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT July 15, 1941. Dr. Forest C. Allen, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr, Allen:- We arrived back in Greenville last week on schedule time, and I wish to again express my appreciation for all of your kindness to us while we were in Lawrence. Everyone enjoyed the concert on Monday night, and you were certainly wonderful in giving me relief with my leg. I am much better now and walking alone, even though I have a slight limp as yet. Again thanking you,and with all good wish- es, I am, Gratefully yours, Pe 3. QBubloh, LSB/H Lewis S. Bulleck Urs Lewis 8. Bullock, Greenville, North Carolina. Dear Mr» Bullocks We were happy to receive your letter of the 15th instent telling us thet you arrived safely home. You carried many good wishes for you end your choir and there was much sympathy for you when you left Lawrence. You were mighty game in carrying on when many people would have leid them selves up as casualties. I wish I might have the opportunity now of looking you over once more and endeavoring to get that slight limp eliminated altocether. I am enclosing a small good will honorarium for yous Bhile this is much too modest for the kindmesses that you exerted, I am sending it to you and Hrs. Bullock trusting thet you will buy _ something for your ows personal selves. With good wishes to all of you and trusting thet you will not forget us at any time you should happen through Lawrence, Kansas, I an Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Bducation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach.