4622 EB i0 37; Kansas City Mo, June 25 1937 Dear Dr, Allen I am inclosing the prints we talked of over the phone and am.sorry of the delay and of having cut out the figure you wished in the picture however I hope these will be satisfactory Ihave had a siege with all the newspapers hounding me to work for them etc. to hebp them cover up on this strike mess here Tt surely is a mess and violence is sure to come of some of it yet unless the city officials do something about it however that is neither here or there concerning our work, 4 wish to state again I have thoroughty enjoyed working with you on your veek and am proud to have had part in the preparation of its contents, and am looking forward to it's pyblfeation and wish you a hundred fold success over your other book, Wishing you every thing possible in good luck in its writing and hove you have time to ice a vacation and possibly doa little fishing on the side to help settle the nerves, { Nothing better to settle over worked nerves than just a day of 'nigger' fishing in the sun on a quiet stream) Yours Trulv Lg Hubert A McClain