February 11, 1938. Mire Ce Oe Burnside, Manager, Okleham City, OklahGea. Dear C.OeBes | - ‘I have written the Hotel Kingknde that we will stop with thea on Friday, February 12. I do not know which is the way to get out of Okiahomw City for Norman — whether we better go on the train or om the bus, or whether sume of the boys, like Kemy Jolmson and a group will want to drive us dome "Fred Ellsworth called me and wanted to have you arrange some lueheon date for the team, but please go easy on thet as far as I an concerned, wlosa you want #0 40 ite I really want to take ehinewe tnd the Hecate” Guyemitie tae sacred 42 potuba dee them than our opponents have on us, so that gives the Sooners a scoring break. Anyhow, wo will have a job on our hands, end I think it will be a beautiful ball game. We don"t have the seoring punch, but I beldeve wo heve a lot better defense. It still olght to add up about & points for the Sooners. We will see about that the 1éthe With every good wish to you and the Bumside family, I si sia (Gb hele ohiiaed FCA AH a —