October 30, 1945 Mrs. Gladys Brady McGilley 1800 Linwood Boulevard Kansas City 3, Missouri Dear Gladys: Mrs. Allen wants to thank you from the bottom of her heart for the very beautiful bouquet that you and Mr. MceGilley sent her at St. Luke's Hospital. I was in yes~ terday and have never seen such beautiful flowers. Thank you again, Gladys. The check came from Mr. McGilley Friday ‘for the foot- ball tickets. Mr. Ernie. Falkenst@i, financial secretary, of the Athletic Association left with the team Friday morning for Wichita. They played Saturday and he didn't return to his office until this morning. I took the check in to him and he will give you and Mr. MeGilley the very best possible tickets that he has. 1 personally - appealed to him for you. There has been such a tremendous demand for these seats that they may not be as good as | they would have been even two weeks aljo but J can assure you that they are as good as I could possibly get for myself. And by the way,.I have not gotten mine yet so you rest assured that I did everything I could for you and your good husband. I just wanted to write this personal note to you and let you know that I have had done everything that I could to take care of you. , 7 7 ? . ae, You know 4-wuld not negiest one of my old time neigh- bor girk& who 4 thought was just about the prettiest little ~ girl that ever lived in Independence. My kindest regards and best wishes to you and Mr. McGilley and all of the Brady Clans. nee . ® 5 Sincerely yours, : Dirwetor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach FCA:1m