u - Novenber 2, 1945 | Mrs . UeCord, Head Coach Lincoln igh School Des Moines, 15, Iowa Dear Coach McCord‘ On the sixteenth of Yetober you wrote me asking that we send the book "Better Basketball" C.0.D. On October 18 my secretary Miss “snes wrote you stating that if you would send a eheck for $4.10 I would autograph the book and mail it to you. . This morning I am in receipt of your letter | dated November 1 in wich you state th&& a week , ago you had sent the money. Now in the meantime we have sold all of the books we have on hand but this past week we ordered an additional shipment from MeGraw-Hibl Book Company in New York. These should be here any day. If I had one on hand nd. would send it and let you remit later because you state that you are in great need for the book. Your letter has never arrived here. Check up oan your checkbook and your correspondence and determine if possible what happened. You could stop payment on a check or money order that you have sent] I suggest that you make an additional check and stop payment and write anyther one. This new moniker "Brog" is a new one, Change that "r" to an "h" and you have it. Or if you want to delete the first letter and leave "h2 in their you' have another one. Silent "ph" I have gotten also, but # get them all ways,2Max. Thanks for your compliment regarding the coaching school at 5 Boone. I enjoyed all of you fellows a lot. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Bgsketball Coach FCA:LM