April 30, 1946 a Watson MeMorris st Headquarters Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri Dear Colonel: As I expected to see you at Columbia, Missouri, I did not | answer ycur kind words of congratulations on our winning over Oklahoma | in Januerye I have kept your letter on my desk expecting to answer it every day, but last week end Ted Bean came to town, asking about you, and I dug up your letter and let him read it. Ted is married and has an + _e@ightemonth old baby girl, He is not settled as yet but is temporarily living in Indiana. He passed through Lawrence the other day on his way to Kiowa, Kansas, his wife's home, where he will be for a couple of weeks. His Indiana address is Ted Bean, Cedar Lake, Indiana, Box 581, o/o John P. Miller. I know he would enjoy a word from yous ‘ “Give ny kindest regards to Mrs. Meliorris and keep a ew amount for verenenté ; sincere ly, . : Director of Physical Education, PCA: MF io Varsity Basketball Coach.