Vareh 22, 1946 Ens. H. D. MeSpadden Ue Se Se Roche (DS-197) c/o Fleet Post Office San Francisco, California Dear Sparky: . ihe | J me IT am very much delayed in answering your fine letter of the Sth of January 1946, It was a grand letter and I certainly did enjoy it. ' { am happy if we contributed to your success in the Navy with some of that, Jayhawk fire and drive, I knew that nothing would stop you onee you got started and it dodésn't take you very long to do that. Of course, by now you have heard of our season that was finished Monday nighte It was a pretty rugged grind all the way to the end. For the first half of the season Charlie had to earry the load almost entirely, but in the last four gains, with Ray back and Schnelly rounding into shape, we presented the opposition with a fairly healthy’Kansas basketball team, We played our best game against Iowa State here and sincerely regret that we did not play the same type of game against Oklahoma A & M last Monday. Of course, ‘we are all disappointed that we could not turn the tables on the Aggies, but we feel that the season was pretty much a success as it stands. Kurland was just a little too tall for Charlie to handle and we had no one else who wuld come close to doing the job. Our offense sputtered and stammered all night and we only hit 19 percent of our shots, aside, from missing ten free throws and three setups. We are not making exe cuses because the Aggies have a great team and one that is well coached and that has played together for several seasons. It is my opinion that they will win the National N. C. Ae As for the second straight year in the coming week. ; It is sort of nice to settle back down to a fine afternoon of golf after the long grind. Since this year's team will return next year, we are anticipating having a pretty‘fair country ball club. With a few of you fellows still to regurn, we should have much better reserve strength, I have conveyed your regards to Gene Barr. He asked to be renembered to you when I wrotes He helped considerably with the team during» the year, although he did not play in too many games, He has a wonderful attitude and is a great fighter, like most of the veterans we have seen who have come back.