| February 26, 1946 | ¥ << \ Mr. Gene McLaughlin, President _ Phi Kappa Psi - 1100 Indiana | Lawrence, Kansas Dear Genes: Por quite sometime I have been intending to call to the attention of your fraternity Dolph Simons, jre I do not know how many times you have had him up to the house, but Dolph, jre, is one of the outstanding young men of this town and his father, Dolph Simons, 8r., is one of the best Phi Psis in this community. — I believe that Dolph is a junior in high school. He has had every advantage of Cheeley Camp at Denver, Colorado, St. 7 John's Military School, and all. He played on the Lawrence High School football and basketball ‘Squads and is a most ‘superior young mane Naturally, the father would be reticent in pushing his son toward the freternity of which he is a member. I know that Dolph, jres is being rushed by a lot of fraternities on the hill. a my, opinion, he is one of the prizes. : : Please do not misunderstand me. I am not trying to tell the astives what they should do, but I am interested in call- ing their attention to some good men as they come upe This is es- pecially so in this case. ; . Fraternally yours, ? ; Director of Physical Education, FCAsMF Varsity Basketball Coach.