Decenber 29, 1944. Colonel W. L. MeMorris, 115 Military Seienoe Building. Dear Colonel Holorris: Thank you forthe beatiful necktio. I assure you I Cat HE FS Vian We Diy Ey SNe See ee tee them. I do appreciate your generosity. With best wishes for = happy New Year, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PGA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ae spi cists ae Pte ee — (© Noy, (OLA fae eee _——— a Geo. Me Arthur & Sons BARABOO, WISCONSIN October 26, 19 Dear School Friend: Now that the WPB is lifting many restrictions on the manufacture of varied products, you may begin to hope that the green light will soon again be flashed for the manufacture of towels for schools. We most sincerely join with you in these hopes. Cotton rroducts ere most criticel iters in the Pecific wer area. Tents, clothing and thousends of other uses have made it necessery for the industry to devote well over 75%. of its efforts to the winning of the war, What concerns us most at the moment is the prospect of losing some of the good will of our customers thru inability to give the same prompt attention to inquiries and orders thet we have alweys given in the past, At the present time we are turning out much more than twice our normal production in spite of tremendous war time problems of man power and material shortages. All products go to the fields designsted by the War Production Board directives, And we will not secrifice quality of our products in order to get additional production. So, until the ‘Setar ond material situation improves, pleese beer with us. We will give your inquiries and orders the very best possible attention and -sk you to understrnd. if there are inevitable delays. The looms thet made school towels are now fighting the enemy by meking products thet will help shorten the war. Our lnst word is-HAVE FATTH IN BOTH McARTHURS- Both are > doing their best for the hurrying of the Heae day of .PEACE. “Yours very sincerely, GEO MC ARTHUR & SONS AM/ ws SUPER GYM SUPER TURK VELVA-TERRY BATH ROBES BARABOO TO (THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS } Dr. ©. C. Alien K. WU. Lawrence, Kansas Nortonviite, Kansas Novemoer 6, 1944' Dr. F.G. Alien Dear Friend; If it will suit you we will plan to bring oub basket-ball squad to Lawrence Friday after noon at about 4;30 or soon there after. I fefer to this comming Friday Nov. 10. The questions I was talks ing to you about would require some demonstration to answer them rather than answering then on a written page. So I shall wait till a convenient time for you. We are Looking foreward to a profitable demonstration of fundamentals whéch we know we can see there. Respectfully H. H. McGee Dr. F. C. Allen K. Ue Lawrence, Kansas Nortonvillé, Sansa Oct. 18, #@#¥#1044 Dear Sir®...- == 5 = pene I will not take the boys down this week end but hope to be down to see, your practice at 4340 Friday my self. Respectfully H. H. “cGee ey mt ae °4"74) { THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS Dr. “orest ©. Allen K. U. Lawrence, Kansas ve Novtonviile; “Kansas es ee Dear.Dr.. ‘glién/s: ae om i ‘Would Lt .bé AE agrveable-to you if we would bring a group of basket-ball boys down to watch you practice some Friday evening? Are you doing any floor work this #####8 Friday ? However it may not suit us to come this Friday. Would it suit you ## Friday Oct. 20.7? Respectfully H. H. McGee yy et ) McGrRAw-HILL BOOK COMPANY - INC. Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING 330 WEST 42no STREET NEW YORK 18,N-Y. October 5, 1944 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: In response to your inquiry of September 27th to Mr. McGraw, I find that the total number of sales of BETTER BASKETBALL up to June 30, 1944 were 6616 ~ copies. From July 1 to September 28 - 251 additional copies have been sold, making a total of 3867 copies to date. Your comment on a text on treat- ment of athletic injuries has been referred to our editorial staff, and the order from D. C. Hauff is being taken care of promptly. Very truly yours, McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, Inc., Jaf, aren HML/w Treasurer's Office. JAMES H. MCGRAW, JR. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD MARTIN M, FOSS VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD JAMES S. THOMPSON PRESIDENT CURTIS W. MCGRAW VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER CURTIS G. BENJAMIN VICE PRESIDENT WILLIAM E. HAWKE SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER Mr. “MCGRAW HILL" NEW YORK Mc GRAw-HILL BOOK COMPANY: INC. Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING 330 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK 18,N-Y. CABLE ADDRESS LONDON ALDWYCH HOUSE, W.C. 2. September ll, Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Fog: ing to promote it. DIVISIONAL VICE PRESIDENTS HUGH J. KELLY MAJOR A. U.S. ON MILITARY LEAVE FRANK L. EGNER MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT JOSEPH A. HYLAND PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT WILLIAM E. LARNED TRADE DEPARTMENT 1944 just now working out from under the work ac- cumulated::during my vacation and I apologise for the seem- ing neglect in not answering your letter of September gnd more promptly. As requested, I am forwarding to you ten compli- mentary copies of BETTER BASKETBALL for you to give out per- sonally and in the right places where it might aid the sale. We are glad to cooperate with you in this. It is interesting to note your activities on behalf of the book and you may rest assured that we too are continu- tt is in every Whittlesey House catalogue that we send out and every sports list circular, of which there are many, carries it as well. It is our opinion that the book has done very well, everything considered, and you may be sure our interest and promotion will continue. CWM: GB I am passing your thoughts concerning the jacket to our Trade Department and you may rest assured that the jacket will be continued. My best to you. Yours sincerely, I Septenber 27, }944. Coach Jim McDonald, El Dorado Senior High School, Bl Dorado, Kansas. Dear Jims _ Due t several wmavoidable delays I heave failed to answer your @ppeal sooner. Please refer to page 362 of “Better Basketball", in the ohapter on Athletic Injuries and Emergencies. Exhibit 124 shows a brace for shoulders susceptible to dislocation. If you will use this appliance instead of the one eround the waist you will find that the arm will not come out of the socket. You can see that the strap around the waist would not do the job, but this contrivance will. Lowe and Campbell oan make you one of these, I am sure. With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physioal Education, PCA H Varsity Basketball Coach. * EL DORADO SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL EL DORADO -- KANSAS OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL - {Ss — wy 1.7 ¢ Oh. Kowrmevep Kerrtas. a ee ti EE cee Septenber 27, 1944. Mr. Curtis We McGraw, McGraw-Hill Book Co., $30 West 42nd St., — New York, N.Y. Dear. Mr. MoGraw: I am enclosing a letter which I have received from D. C. Hauff, which is self-explanatory. Will you kindly have your Mr. Hansen handle this matter? I appreciate your generosity in sending me the author's copies. I am placing them in the hands of people that will do the most good in sales promotion for this book. Frankly, I feel that now and immediately after the war we should have a great revival of sales because there are now and will be many thousands of new coaches teaching basketball. There has been almost a complete turn-over in the last five years. i am wondering if you will be kind enough to send me the total sales number of “Better Basketball” to date. Previously this was noted on the report when the remittances were sent, but the last few reports have not included the total sales. Is see I believe after the war that a text on treatment of athletic injuries would sell like hot cakes. With the rehabilitation program of the Army and Navy and with the physical education majors playing such an important part in physical therapy, I believe there would be great need for such a text as this. We could use practically all of the chapter on the treat- ment of athletic injuries and with some new discoveries that have been made since, it would enhance ths sale of a new book tremendously. What do you think? Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rducation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. | 4 ¢ f \ January 18, 1945. Mr. C. BE. McBride, Sports Editor, — The Kansas City Star, Kansag City, Mo. Dear Hac: I read your Piggy Lambert comment last night in yow Sporting column with a degree of interest. I know from your writings that you do not intend to connect me With violent actions on the bench as attributed to Piggy, because that is one thing that I do on very, very rare occasions. And the visiting teams at home are treated with every consideration, which I understand is riot true in the oase of Piggy. You perhaps meant to infer that I was yather the stormy petrol type, which allegation i do not deny upon certain occasions. You mentioned the possibility of my retiring. I oan toll you now when it is going to be <= when I reach the age of 66. The heads of all departments retire at 65, but other faculty members are permitted to continue until they are 67. But no, thank you, I do not want the other two years, nor do I want to coach after I am 65 years of age. I have no desire to break the record of Alonzo Stagg or Comnie idack -- no ambitions along that line in the slightest. I am going to quit, play golf, write, if the people will publish the stuff I write, and say the things that I want to say. Well, you may say that I haven't been a shrinking pansy before I reach 65. That is right, but I am still going to continue to do the things I have actually wanted to do, and that “ms going to be play more golf and do what I darn. \ please for a while. “The days of our years are threesoore years and ten, and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is there btrength, labor and sorrow, for they are soon out off and we fly away." I don't want | those extra years to be labor and sorrow. I am sorry that you gave up golf because I was figuring when I got to be 65 that you and I would have a chance to play. But I do want you to kmow how much I appreciated that dozen golf balls that you gave mee I am still hoarding some of them, have given Mit and Bob one each, played with a few of them, but I will have some ready for this spring. oT They elected me president of the Lawrence Country Club, and we have already done some extensive improving and we are going to do more.