a ee ti EE cee Septenber 27, 1944. Mr. Curtis We McGraw, McGraw-Hill Book Co., $30 West 42nd St., — New York, N.Y. Dear. Mr. MoGraw: I am enclosing a letter which I have received from D. C. Hauff, which is self-explanatory. Will you kindly have your Mr. Hansen handle this matter? I appreciate your generosity in sending me the author's copies. I am placing them in the hands of people that will do the most good in sales promotion for this book. Frankly, I feel that now and immediately after the war we should have a great revival of sales because there are now and will be many thousands of new coaches teaching basketball. There has been almost a complete turn-over in the last five years. i am wondering if you will be kind enough to send me the total sales number of “Better Basketball” to date. Previously this was noted on the report when the remittances were sent, but the last few reports have not included the total sales. Is see I believe after the war that a text on treatment of athletic injuries would sell like hot cakes. With the rehabilitation program of the Army and Navy and with the physical education majors playing such an important part in physical therapy, I believe there would be great need for such a text as this. We could use practically all of the chapter on the treat- ment of athletic injuries and with some new discoveries that have been made since, it would enhance ths sale of a new book tremendously. What do you think? Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rducation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.