| 4 ¢ f \ January 18, 1945. Mr. C. BE. McBride, Sports Editor, — The Kansas City Star, Kansag City, Mo. Dear Hac: I read your Piggy Lambert comment last night in yow Sporting column with a degree of interest. I know from your writings that you do not intend to connect me With violent actions on the bench as attributed to Piggy, because that is one thing that I do on very, very rare occasions. And the visiting teams at home are treated with every consideration, which I understand is riot true in the oase of Piggy. You perhaps meant to infer that I was yather the stormy petrol type, which allegation i do not deny upon certain occasions. You mentioned the possibility of my retiring. I oan toll you now when it is going to be <= when I reach the age of 66. The heads of all departments retire at 65, but other faculty members are permitted to continue until they are 67. But no, thank you, I do not want the other two years, nor do I want to coach after I am 65 years of age. I have no desire to break the record of Alonzo Stagg or Comnie idack -- no ambitions along that line in the slightest. I am going to quit, play golf, write, if the people will publish the stuff I write, and say the things that I want to say. Well, you may say that I haven't been a shrinking pansy before I reach 65. That is right, but I am still going to continue to do the things I have actually wanted to do, and that “ms going to be play more golf and do what I darn. \ please for a while. “The days of our years are threesoore years and ten, and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is there btrength, labor and sorrow, for they are soon out off and we fly away." I don't want | those extra years to be labor and sorrow. I am sorry that you gave up golf because I was figuring when I got to be 65 that you and I would have a chance to play. But I do want you to kmow how much I appreciated that dozen golf balls that you gave mee I am still hoarding some of them, have given Mit and Bob one each, played with a few of them, but I will have some ready for this spring. oT They elected me president of the Lawrence Country Club, and we have already done some extensive improving and we are going to do more.