Maroh 15, 1945. _ Memorandum to ny good friend, Clyde E. MoBride: Mister, when you pioked Towa State aihine the season was over you missed the fact that I picked Iowa State before the season began. Therefore, you are disqualified as a@ participant and relegated to the olass of guessers nS in December, 1945, prognosticating for 1946. In case your all-seeing eye apparently missed my prognostications, it was Iowa State first, Oklahom seca, Missouri and Kansas fighting for third and fourth place. Then I thought the Aggies would be fifth and Nebraska sixth. : Whet do you say to this, Mister? Bincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation, Varsity Basketball Coach. P.S,. And next year, \don't you guess after the season is over!