Mr. Bill Brill, 1922 No. 24th St., Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Bills “I have just returned from my coaching school in Towa and find your letter of August 24st here to greet me. Yes, sir, you and Tommie Thompson cam count on a job when you start to school. It will be a pleasure for us to have you with us at the University, and you can explain to Tommie that it is necessary to enroll and then we can plen the work in conjunction with your other schedule. | ‘The enrollment schedules have not been received from the printer as yet, but as soon as we are able to obtain these we shall be glad to send you one. Registration takes place on Friday and Saturday, Septenber 12 and 15, and en- rollment is on Monday end Tuesday, September 15 and 16. Since you enrolled in the College last fall as a freshman no doubt you will wish to continue in that school. However, as soon as you come to Lawrence if you will see Dr. Elbel, in the Physical Education Department, he will be very happy to advise you regarding your enrollment and help you plan your schedule. We will be happy to see you when you come. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach.