Jenuary 4, 1946. Midm. H. Db. MoSpadden, USS Preirie State, Sea. 3, W. 135 & N.°River St., New York 27, N.Y. Dear Sparky: It was great to from you, Sparky. I did appreciate your dissertation on Ray Evans - the same old modest Ray. He is a great guy. We are looking forward to the time when you and Ray the other boys get back. ‘We are leaving at 5:50 tomorrow morning for Columbia, Missouri, and will retwn Saturday evening. We might have left at noon today, but due to the 48-how limit for the Navy boys we must do it this other going to. E s ® g ‘ f : ( i 5 : 5 b . ‘ g E Ee § e bey, wid has been in the Marines, shet two quick goals in the last 20 Director of Physical Education, —