June 4, 1945. Mr. Andy MoDonald, Southwest Missouri State Teachers College, Springfield, Missouri. Dear Andy: I find that I have not answered your splendid letter of April 26. That is how stuff acoumulated on my desk. But first, I feel very guilty in not inoluding your name on our 1923 team, because you certainly made a definite eertohyutien. Andy, life 4s like that. We are so full of things to do that we have never finished, that in ow hustle and bustle we forget some of the most important factors in our life. I know you will forgive me because you have lived and a fellow who has lived as long as you imows that there are a lot of loose ends that we pick up in a hurry when we should use more care in gathering those fragmentary pieces. A yovle-men ann indo Ue offine tis imruing < Sel) Mener - who was & _ Physioal Education major before the war. He was one of the "Hell on Wheels” boys, and has two mohine gun wounds in his right erm. He is ee down at the Springfield hospital, and I asked him to look you up. As the boys drop in here and tell me they are at Springfield hospital I tell them to look up Andy McDonald, one of our splendid athletes of the early twenties. I know you can do a swell job with boosting their morale. I should have had you on the Jayhewk Rebounds mailing list long ago, but among other things I have failed in doing that. I am sending you the last two issues and am putting you on the mad ling list for the future Ones « : Give my kindest regards to your lovely wife and your fine tent ty. Very sincerely yours, : ‘Director of Physical Education, POA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. 4