April 27, 1945. .Ens. He. D. MoSpadden, Room 527, Hotel Everglades, Miemi, Florida. Dear sparko: Glad you like good old Miami, and the Bastern Palestine Indians, nit. I want to write you immediately about the papillomas. I have always called them little seed warts, but that name does not dignify 1%-for the fellow that charges you $2 to $5 for working on your pedal extremities. The cause of these things is either a small as or some foreign sub- stance in the shoe that irritates the auticle to such an extent that it starts a wart. This is the treatment. Do not use a safety rasor blade or do not out the cuticle around the wart. Leave it intact. Take the sharp end of a knife and gently pick the partioles out until it becomes fairly tender, with no bleeding, and not too much tenderization. Now take a bit of vaseline on a match and cover the skin surface untirely around the wart. Then apply either carbolic acid or nitric acid on the end of a match to the surface. Do not leave any excess of the acid on the point applied. After you have let 4t rest 20 or 50 mimites with this application of either carbolic acid or nitric acid, take a little bit of unguentine, or just as well some more of that vaseline, just enough to sover the surface well and not leave the area tender. It will soften the tissues sufficiently to lessen any uncomfortable sensation you might have from the ar You should have none. ! Let this go two or three days, then take the adhesive tape off and wash the foot with soap and then apply again the same treatment. After the second application, wash the foot again and leave the adhesive tape off, if you desire, for a couple of days. Now take the sharp knife and pick again any excess accumulation. The little metastic filaments that project themselves from the wart are the things that you want to kill by this application. Do not cut the skin away at all. Leave that as a cushion and you will have a little oup there. With two more fac Agaongeioys.n you should be rid of your warts. You know Nitric acid is strong, and so is carbolic acid, so the right proced- ure is to just touch up the point of the wart and leave no excess. i {