? Mareh 27, 1945. Mr. ©. B. NeBride, Sports Editer, The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Moe Dear Mag: . In Hugh Pullerton's colwm out of New York, March 26, 4P, he says; “Ohio State's Ole Olson stirred up a good argument last month when he picked the best five basketball coaches between Pittsburgh and the Rockies (Adolph Rupp, Doo Carlson, Tony Hinkle, Ward Lambert and Duteh Lonberg). . . Somekivere in Burope Lt. Max E. R. Keiffer, a staunch upholder of ‘smwall college’ basketball, spotted the list and V-mailed the names of ten he considers better. . . Keiffer picks Lt. (USNR) Wilbur Staloup, Maryville, Mo., State; John Lance, Pittsburg, Kan., State; Joe Hutten, Hamline; John Miller, Murray, Kys, State; Bd Diddle, Western Kentucky; Loren Ellis, Valparaiso; Russell J. Beichly, Akrong Bill Mony- peny, Soutiwestern (Winfield, Kan.); Lt. (USNR) C. P. Harris, Cape Girardeau, Mo., State, and Henry Iba, Oklahoma A. and M. . . . The guys with reputations to protect fight shy of scheduling these ten, Keiffer maintains. ; I would like te go along with Ole Olson, but I would like to pick the best seven basketball ooaches, instead of five, between Pitta- _ burgh end the Rockies. I would take his five as listed, but for the two additional names I would like to nominate three men and pick two of the three. , The three men would all be from agricultural colleges: - the Ohio Aggies (Ohio State), the Ioma Agzics (Iowa State), and Oklahoma Aggies (Oklahoma State). Figuring that no one could leave Oklehoma's — Henry Iba out of the list, I would place him the sixth of the seven-man greup. And the fact that Louie Menze won the championship cutright this year and tied with Oklahoma last year, I would pick him in en eyelash fin- ish ever Harold Olsen of Ohio Aggies, because Qlson won last year outright but was a runner-up this year. That would be reward enough for me because out ef those seven, I would have three of my own boys in the group. : Mac, don't you think this is worthy of a print? Sincerely, : Direotor of Physical Education, PCA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coach.