The Bansas Llectric Power Company GENERAL OFFICE LAWRENCE, KANSAS August 28, 1945 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: We have been following up the matter of the steel wool blocks and steel wool pads for the floor waxer. The Floorola Company previously advised us that we could expect shipment on August 15. When the shipment did not arrive, we followed up and have just been advised by the Floorola Products Company as follows: Wwe are unable to secure the necessary material to make up your order due to the fact that the Govern- ment has not yet released same for normal use. By the looks of things as they stand now, we do not ex- pect to make shipment in less than sixty days." I am certainly sorry that this delay has been occasioned put assure you that we will put all pressure possible on securing these pads and blocks at the earliest possible date. Very truly yours, Fuh suas RWMcClure:mol