June 9, 1945. Mr. Clargnee MeGuire, Hoover Brethers, Inc., 922 Oak Street, Kansas Gity 6, Mo. Dear Mac: : : It 4s awfully nice of you to write me as you did. I believe Friday, the 29th, will be dandy. I am checking on it now and hope that Bobby, - not Mit, can be with us. I aa writing him at Bell Memorial Hospital. Mit is a Lt. (jg) in the Navy, taking his second training hitoh at Harvard. Bobby is the doctor and Mit is a lawyer. Looking at yow sohedule, it looks even busier than mine, two to one. It is nice of you, with all of your pressing comections, to give me your time. As soon as I get : from Chicago I will contact you definitely. You are a swell guy, Mac. : : Sincerely yours, ; Director of Physical Zducation, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.