July 16, 1945 Mr. Robert E. McCormick, Treasurer -Boys' Athletic League 70 Fifth Avenue oe New York, 11, New York - Dear Mr. McCormickk I an returning the camp application blank of ¥oung Dahl signed by a Dr. Carleton Simon, past president.» | | j : I wish that it were possible for our @unds to go around to all of the things that I am teemendously interested in, but we have so many boys in our part of the country that need help that I am spending the money I can afford in our section. Thank you for asking me and I trust you will be avle to fill your quota so that boys like yound Dahl may have their legitimate vacation, outing, and inspiration as — need it. Sincerely yours, # Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach FPCOA:MEH