December 8, 1943. MoGraw-Hill Book Go., S30 West 42nd Street, New York 18, H.Y¥. Dear Sirs: I am in receipt of your statement dated Novenber 30, 1943, as follows: Account listed for $5.40. I do not wmderstand what this ia for, and would like some explanation of it. My last cheek to you was dated May 15, 1943, in the amount of $10.62 in payment of your statement submitted for five sopies of “Better Basketball" which I had ordered from you. I desire at this timo to order five copies of “Better Basketball", and shall send you a check for same upon reeesipt of your bill. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducati on, FOAd. H a Varsity Basketball Coach. JP 2017-25M-943 Daz—_November 30, 1943 McGrAw-HILL Book Company: INc. ' McGRAW-HILL BUILDING 330 WEST 42nn STREET NEW YORK 18, N. Y. To Prof. Forrest G. 4llen ~ University of Kansas 4soawrence, Kansas Account listed for 96.40 December 6, 1945, . Mre Paul 2. MeDaniel, Principal, High School, Abilene, Kansas. Dear Mr. NeDaniel: I greatly appreciate your kind invitation to speak at your football banquet to be held some time in January. However, we have a number of basketball games seheduled ‘in January and I feel that I must spend my time with the team. Yor that reason I am unable to aecept any speaking engagements in January. ‘Myre Henry Shenk, our football coach, will be avail- able in January, and if you should desire him I am sure he would be happy to come. the University, of course, does not make any provision for expenses on such trips, so it would be necessary that his expenses be taken care of. i appreciate your asking me, end assure you it would be & great pleasure if circumstances permitted. With all good wishes, I an Sineerely yours, Direstor of Physical Sducation, PCA: AH Varsity 5asketball Coach. ABILENE HIGH SCHOOL PAUL T. MCDANIEL, PRINCIPAL ABILENE, KANSAS December 4, 1943 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kensas Dear Dr. Allen: Would you be available as a speaker for a Foot Ball Banquet to be held some time in January? If so, please send me the date that it would be possible for you to come along with the charge you make for such appearances. Sincere 7 : Gn Carel, Cal Ti a November 22, 1943 We may want to meet your boys a little leter in the year when after we get our boys from the fvotball team. ‘What do you think about it? & : 2 Very sincerely yours, -{yHis SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS\] \AAN& 7 A x. ferret & Za eC. December 17, 1943. Mr. C. B. McBride, Sports Editor, eT The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo. I am not sure whether you have whipped old man flu or not. I hope so. Anyhow, I am sending you a copy of a letter that I~ have written Ralph Cannon, of the sports desk of Esquire magazine regarding the 12 foot basket. On page 5 I have a little tribute to Mark Cox that I am sure Ralph Cannon will enjoy. I am sending it to you so that you may keep up with the line of chatter regarding the philosophy and the efficiency of raising the basket two feet for college players. I do not know whether you see Esquire or not, but I notice Marion Miller, of Lowe & Campbell, secretary of the A.A.U., is against raising the basket. I will betthe has never seen a game played under a 12 foot goal. iIn fact, few sports writers, broad- casters or coaches have seen then. | Trusting that you are well and that the Mrs. is keeping you amply nourished, I am : : Very sincerely yours, : ‘Directér of Physical Education, POALAH Varsity Basketball Coach. Ens. ty i agg? i Ni lh iti Hilt fi ies. i iil | 2 iyi ue hd : it i iin ae 7 aut ey . : fe“2 : 5 Hin i, 7 §2833 siege 1 i ii: 3 : ie L ua ie i, Ht X : rill 3 Malet i ii He a ls ii a ule a reall iit HH Ha ye Ys aH fl je ee cr ea if i ¥ HY > | abe3 871 bE ue i rll hal salad ah one Ste Jolws and the hand-picked boys that Griffith and St. John operated with. Ani too, you doubtless know thet Harold Olsen is a brother-in-law of St. Jolm, which makes Oleen the fair-halred boy. the meeting was over and wa had whipped the outfit by making them dip their colors, Olsen and St. Clair threw their chests ye “Didn't we give thea a lashing?” I said, "Ne surely did.” _ So that is the half-baked tondy timch of politicians that St. Clair and Olsen are operating with. They had it all set for the NCAA to take 1¢ all and in my opinion it was noither the action of George Edwards, nor Olsen, nor St. Clair that had anything to do with the so- calied liberality of the NCAA. I plagued them so consistently herd, and so darn rotten cheap that Olsen just started giving watches to everybody that competed like he did whan Oklahom played in th» NOAA last year. got watehes. Aud yet just tree veers previously Bill Owens, ‘ Tt happens Kangae played that year ond was ¥ Yashing ton State 39-34." dust another evidence This is the sloppy way He is nothing tut a eheap politieien and plays of his sloppy work. In 1941 he shows Wiscomsin defeated Dartmouth 51-50, polities from begiming to ond. defeated by Indiana, tut there is no record of it. Pittsburgh 36-50, and Washington State 59-54. that he does everything. a er | anne, tuple Gale Gapettghitas yds Bogs’s f Bat od 3 ss he i i ties it mete Milnes pl Hi +f i; aie: ind af Hist, VEY Gee pahaas ial qi: ae tee my tebe a dati i tl rite: wae iu aT Hey geee anaeng 433% oy Mebeed! Z ng iy. THEE ni D Eber: tjutiahe i seitel bpgtgl ee abigail heed i aii it 7 gps av; gait i 3324 ral Wa isi: gave to the Associated Press Basketball Coaches Very sincerely yours, Direstor of Varsity you a statement that I