December 6, 1945, . Mre Paul 2. MeDaniel, Principal, High School, Abilene, Kansas. Dear Mr. NeDaniel: I greatly appreciate your kind invitation to speak at your football banquet to be held some time in January. However, we have a number of basketball games seheduled ‘in January and I feel that I must spend my time with the team. Yor that reason I am unable to aecept any speaking engagements in January. ‘Myre Henry Shenk, our football coach, will be avail- able in January, and if you should desire him I am sure he would be happy to come. the University, of course, does not make any provision for expenses on such trips, so it would be necessary that his expenses be taken care of. i appreciate your asking me, end assure you it would be & great pleasure if circumstances permitted. With all good wishes, I an Sineerely yours, Direstor of Physical Sducation, PCA: AH Varsity 5asketball Coach.