‘ Tt happens Kangae played that year ond was ¥ Yashing ton State 39-34." dust another evidence This is the sloppy way He is nothing tut a eheap politieien and plays of his sloppy work. In 1941 he shows Wiscomsin defeated Dartmouth 51-50, polities from begiming to ond. defeated by Indiana, tut there is no record of it. Pittsburgh 36-50, and Washington State 59-54. that he does everything. a er | anne, tuple Gale Gapettghitas yds Bogs’s f Bat od 3 ss he i i ties it mete Milnes pl Hi +f i; aie: ind af Hist, VEY Gee pahaas ial qi: ae tee my tebe a dati i tl rite: wae iu aT Hey geee anaeng 433% oy Mebeed! Z ng iy. THEE ni D Eber: tjutiahe i seitel bpgtgl ee abigail heed i aii it 7 gps av; gait i 3324 ral Wa isi: gave to the Associated Press Basketball Coaches Very sincerely yours, Direstor of Varsity you a statement that I