TEREST August 3. 1944. Mr. George M. MoArthur, Geo. McArthur & Sons, Baraboo, Wisconsin. Dear tir. MoArthur: Thank you for your kind letter of July 29th. We are sending by express prepaid one hundred Super Gym towels for vage repair. This is all we can spare at the present time, and as soon as these are re~- turned to us we will make another shipment. We expect to pay the charges when you ship the towels back to us. Thanking you for your courtesy, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FPCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. Eo ie = ies = a ae a a . 3 6 - otaiaes eis =e es iach a ‘ Si ales Manutacturers of SuprTorkia Supgeyon Velva Try Barasoo CRASH TOWEL/NG ‘GEO.MSARTHUR sSONS feauboo, WISCONSIN July 29 1944 University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas. Att: My Forrest Allen Dir. Fay. duc. Dear Mr Ailen: Glad to have your letter of the <7th. We are more than glad to repair the selvages of your SUPER towels, no charge for this service. All we ask is that you. prepay the shipment to us and we will ship back “transportation charges coilect!. As for the towels that have splits in them, not on the selvages, guess there isn't much that we ean do on them. Use them till they are no good and then give them to the janitors. Watch your towels very carefully for now at ieast we are unable to make any school shipments unless you can send an extendable army or navy priority. Andy and I send our kindest personal regards. Sincerely yours GEO MC ARTHUR & SONS Si hati ll at i testicle Usairecad, July 27, 1944. Mrs andy McArthur, Geo. McArthur & Sons, Baraboo, Wisconsin. Dear Mr. MoeArthur: We have on hand three hundred or more Super-Gym towels which need selvage repair. I recall that in one of your letters this past spring you offered your free selvage repair service, and stated that you would like to have the towels during the summer months. ‘If this offer is still good, we would like to send the towels to you at once, so that we may have them to use this fall. We also have a good many towels that have been torn perhaps six or eight inches in from the sel- vage. Do you have a way of mending these? I shall appreciate hearing from you at your early convenience. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Geo. Me Orthue & Sons BARABOO, WISCONSIN sake ee eh gt te eee we THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN I have a strange feeling every time I open up the month's package of blotters and look to see what this month's Believe It or Not blotter carries. Don't be surprised if he tells us next month that the rocket planes were brought out by the Greeks in 28BC {. The Chinese used to, and still do, weave their clothing by hand from hard finished, sturdy meterials. They had little time to spend weaving, so what they made had to be made to last. By weaving their materials well they received in return unusually long life from the products of their looms. So it is with McARTHUR PRODUCTS. We have a great many accounts on our books, who have little time or money to spend buying their goods, They have found that by buying better products they will get longer life from their purchases, and save money at the same time. We folks here at Baraboo are in an embarrasing position as far as whool towels are concerned at present. While we keep hoping thet the present restrictions will be lifted, allowing us to again make delivery of towels to schools, the powers in Washington see the matter in a different light. They say thet hospitels need goods, so we are supplying hospitals. ae 0 Please remember that we still offer our free selvage repai service on SUPER-GYM or SUPER-TURK towels, Make plans to send them to us during the summer months, allowing us plenty of time to do the work fer we are very busy here at Baraboo. go The towels that you are now using must be made to laste oe r And please bear this in mind. We are doing our level best to get the powers who now say NO to change their minas. Help us in our fight by writing to us and telling us your troubles. We will see thet the letters will get to where they will do the most good. Yours very truly, ee LA CH ZG GEO MC ARTHUR & SONS AM / Ws ¢ SUPER GYM SUPER TURK VELVA-TERRY BATH ROBES BARABOO TOWELING ~ duly 17, 1944. I was glad to have your letter of July Srd and to imow that you are lined up nicely with V.M.I. If at any time there is an opportunity for me to recomend you to a better position I will be happy to do so. We are very fond of Clifton. Me and Bobby Allen are great friends, and we have enjoyed Clifton's visits to our hone very much. I trust that in the not too distant future it will be possible for us to meet you. With all good wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Fducation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. pate i July its 1944. Lte (je) He Ge MeWillians, Air Combat Intelligence, Ue Se Naval Air Station, Deland, Florida. Dear Clif: I had a letter from Jay telling me that he is lined up with V.M.I. in good shape. This job at Marshalltown did not materialize, but frankly I feel that the job at V.iet. is much superior. lowever, if there is an oppor~ tunity for me to help him at any time you can count on ite -. He are pretty busily engaged in the sumer here and I find that it is about time for me to write another Jay- hawk Rebounds, so I will try to put some news in that which will be interesting to you wien it goes out. Trust everything is going fine with you. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Conch. Lar in ft i : gait a a if _ i sigtet ee fee i 1 Hi ii i 1 i i fk ie i % i ifr FE i nH ta i bits i iniaits i biG toi dume 21, 1944. seeing snakes when ! loolsod Coach. Very ebnersly yours, Directar of Varsity - With every good wish to you, big boy, in everything you do, Darned if I thought I would be Training Station, Ploridte at you, tat it's & taots L& (jg) He Co fair Combat Intelligence, Ue S. Naval Delami, Dear O1iff: : | dune 21, 1944. | To Clift Nolfillians’ wether — My dear friend: 7 Cliff wrote me a letter as follows: "I would like a little information, if Dr. Allen happens to know of any of the 7 colleges that might have ao vacancy for en enterprising young fellow as : : a3, 5 AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. DE LAND FLORIDA =s ? LET GAME. DEGENERATE (NTO A April 3, 1944. Mr. Dean Be McNabb, Physical Blucation ead, Topeka High School, Topeka, Kensas. Dear Dean: The golf matches were in comection with the Relays but were sponsored by the Lawrence High Sehool. I called Mr. Ralph Graber, the high school principal, and he states they are not having then this year because the Lawrence Country Club has been reduced to a nine-hold course, and with the nine er ten teams thet were entered Mr. Graber had great difficulty in finishing the matches on the scheduled time. Therefore they are not having then this Yaare : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FOA:AR Varsity Basketball Coach. — TOPEKA HIGH SCHOOL TOPEKA, KANSAS March 24, 1944 Dr. F.C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence,Kansas Dear Dr, Allen: I ah writing in regard to the K.U. Relays. Are you planning to have the Golf Matches this year? I am making up our Golf Budget and I wanted to know if I should include your match in the budget. Very truly yours, Dean E, MeNabb Physical Education Dep't, W.N. VAN SLYCK, PRINCIPAL S. H. STARK, Vice PRINCIPAL KENNETH McFARLAND, SuPERIN TENDENT | %; ne tr. SC. B. MoBride, Sports Editor, The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Ho. Dear Mac: Here’s a good friend of mine dowm in Atlanta who certainly belidves in seratehing the other fellow’s back. You will notice that I am on his advisory board, along with Bill Alexander, Adolph Rupp, “Hallace Wade and others. I write two or three articles for his Southern Coach and Athlete each year, and of course do not make any oharge. That is one of the services of love, we call it. I certainly appreciated greatly his writing me to the effect that one of the high school coaches helped put shingles on the Allen domicile by ordering “Better Basketball” as an award for his basketball lettermen. This is an idea that I had never heard of before end while I am greatly opposed to advertising such things (don't make me leugh!). If you think it is not too bold and if there is any news item in it from the unusual feature of giving a guy's book to a boy who would rather have a sweater, then I would appreciate if it you eould mention it - if I will agree to buy you spaghetti and meat balls the next time I come in. It may be too much, so please pay no attention to my implorations if they are too mercenary. IT am torn between two desires. They want me to attend the high school basketball tournament at Topeka Friday and Saturday nights, and yet I would like to come in and have a visit with youe Haven't seen old man McBride and his frau for a long time. It would be a de-. light to talk over old times and see how old Grandpa MoBride is weathering the war gales. Very sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, Versity Basketball Coach. Pebruary 17, 1944. HoGraw-Hill Book Co., Ince, 330 West 42nd st. New York 18, H. Y. Dear Sirs: W411 you kindly send me ten (10) copies of "Better Basketball", at your usual author's discount? I will send a check immediately upon receipt of your statement. I would also be very happy if you would send me a supply of the enclosed folder. I find these very con- venient to mail to pergons inquiring about the book. Very sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, FPCA:Az Varsity Basketball Coach. February 10, 1944. Mr. GC. Ee McBride, The Keusas City Star, Kansas City, Mo. | | Deer Mae: I am sending you a carbon copy of a letter that I have written to Seines Peters. This ia confidential and i would not want you to use it in any my - it is just - Lor your own information. Sec Taylor pail De mee et 2 sk nin pe ee of the letter that I have written Sec. The only people to whom I have sent copies are you and Sec, and of course to George Veenker and Louie Menze. It is a pretty tough spot in which to win e ball game. As you Imow, all of the fellows eroumd that area are a that it cost too much to bring the boys to Kansas City, but Louie, wio happened to live in Kansas City, always has officials here in Lawrence that he has had very close oontact with - previously Parke Carroll, Reaves Peters, Eddie Hogue, end those boys, while we teke fellows many of whom are "homers", and certainly all of them never get out of that territory. We are getting pretty mich fed up on that Towa State provincial attitude, and certainly for the future we want officials that work at Lawrence and other places once in a while, as well as at Ames. I missed your sport colum last night and hope that you are not ill. Take good care of yourself, mister. Sineerely yours, Direetor of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball coach. January 28, 1944 Mare Ce Es MoBride Sports Editor ? KANSAS CITY STAR Kenses City, Missouri Dear lire MeBrides Zam sending you one of my weekly radio talks which I make over KFKU each Thursday night at 9:30 peme Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education FCA;FF Varsity Basketball Coach January 28, 1944 Ure Co Ee MoBride Sports Editor Kansas City Star Kansas City, Missouri Dear lire MoBride: : i anehing yer tin Ot to welts vadia eins PAPO potion pacege * habradhalia Soagere at “— Pele Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education FCAsFF Varsity Basketball Coach January 27, 1944. ir. Ee EB. MeBride, Sports Editor, The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mac: The very lengthy epistle addressed to Mr. Hugh Fullerton may fatigue you, but there is a lot of meat in there, brother. Whether some of the boys can find it or not remains to be seen, but there are vitemins in this epistle. Hope you ave enough of the proper vitanins to keep you on the upward trail. With all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, _ Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. THE WORLD-HERALD Omaha, Nebraska (2) 122 North 14th Street Linceln, Nebraska December 22, 1943 Dear Pheg: I would appreciate it if you would use the enclosed envelep to send me the Kansas University basketball schedule, along with the list ef games already played. Best regards, Ga: Bride ILTRATI NTS PAVING SEWER SYSTEMS REINFORCED CONCRETE GC. J. M c G O x WATER WORKS MUNICIPAL CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER en ee Oe. AVear 4 gp enccntl: eit Pea ne x eect Mam flr ches ae a nee Lee he ae oe eae 5a “oo TE re 70. C= ae ia & < Y a th >> — § California evacuees being removed to Assembly Centers “Just the day before I left Honolulu,” “the chief agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Hawaii told me ‘You can ‘say without fear of contradiction that there has not been a sing le act of sabotage — either before December 7 during the day of the attack, or at any time since.’ writes Professor Clark, ° “Chief Gabrielson of the Honolulu police, which works in close collaboration with the army, told me the same thing. ‘If the Japanese here had wanted to do darsage, December 7 offered them a golden opportunity,’ he added. “Where were the Japanese on that Sunday if they were not out sabotaging?’ you ask the chief of police. ‘Hundreds of them were actively defending the territory,’ he will tell you. ‘Members of the Oahu Citizens’ Defense Committee, most of them Japanese, rushed to their posts as volunteer truck drivers. They stripped a hundred delivery trucks of their contents, inserted into them frames prepared to hold four litters, and went tearing out to Pearl Harbor to aid the wounded. Some of these Japanese got there so promptly that their trucks were hit by flying shrapnel. They proudly display these pieces of steel now as souvenirs.’ “When the call came over the radio for blood donors, again the Japanese were among the first to respond, and by the hundreds. They stood in line at Queen’s Hospital for hours, waiting to give their blood to save the lives of American soldiers.” 3 cenamnras emDN SC RMOMTI ett II UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION November Le 1943 Col. W. Le. McMorris, University of Kansas. Dear Colonel MecMorris: Frank Herron Smith who is in charge of the relations for the Methodist Church on the Pacific Coast and a visitor at Rotary some few weeks ago, asked me to have you read page 5. Please return it to me. I am just doing the job as asked of me, and I will talk to you later about it. Congratulations, Colonel, on the wonderful showing of the ASTP boys in basketball. They really rode over us in true Army style, vigorous and aggressive. We may want to meet your boys a little later in the year when we are at our full strength after we get our boys from the football team. ‘what do you think about it? Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. A Ga B Page 3° LOC atl loke rami = Ae omag hee he! fA Pe LH - aloutt Cheet. Yo Cheon e STP bate hnsw- tote a Cotpatle “og tere December 21, 1943. Dear Mac: I am glad to see that you are in the lend of the living again. I was a little worried when I failed to see your sporting comment day after day in the Star. J knew they had you flat on your back or else you would have had that coliwm out. | fhe man who acashed the University of Indiana when they played Kansas U. at Kansas City in March, 1940, was Branch MoCGracken, a graduate of the University of Indiana. MoCracken neve#t had played under me (Allen). I do not knowof any coach in the state of Indiana at the present time who (over) received his basketball training under Phog Allen, but Agthur “Dutch” ge the coach of Northwestern University, one of the schools in the Big Ten; at. Rupp, coach at the University of Kentuoky; and Forrest “Frosty” Cox, baske 1 coach at the tniversity of Colorado, ail received their training under Allen. John Bunn, dean of men and former coach of Hank Luisetti at Stanford, also re- ceived his training under Allen at the University of Kansas. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coach. December 11, 1943. Mr. Curt MoCoy, Contractor, Emporia, Kansas. Dear Curt: It was a lot of fun to be in Emporia and have a visit with you last Tuesday a week ago. I appreciate your taking me out to the whites, and I enjoyed the visit with you. As I promised you, I am sending a Jayhawk Rebounds to show you what we are doing for the boys in the service. I have been so busy that I have not been sable to write a November Re- _ bounds, but will combine the November and December letters. We will make it a Christwas number. i truet that you will enjoy reading about many of the fellows that you have heard about. There are some, of course, that you do not know, but they are all Jayhawkers and I know it - Will be interesting to you. eh With all good wishes, I an \ _ Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Ziucation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.