Tam sure they will mike you « ebtwentive : today, price. i aa writing to ifr, Curtis My tlc ad Sobitees son ei hour fren hin in 9 very swt while.e : mm onoloning a pant of HeGramsite vhdeh describes the book for yous Very sincerely yours, January 12, 1938, Ua» Aavon Bumdman,- 9601 Church Avenue, Brooklyn, New Yorke Dear litt, Bundinans x oak yom yeraen Sey the delay sn sopping to your letter of December 14. — 7 Here at the University of Kansas we do not subsidize athletes, Of course, many boys yho — discs Meee extatertty fap tek Gheebbed re amie te find employnent and partly their exnenset.s if they are interested in « ties wo are glad to have then cane out for the teamse | GEASONS (SPELT Wes wee ee Oe and best wishes jor a uw ow OK THE NEW YEAR. THE BOWMANS Mee Waldo Bowman, 268 Ridge Read, | Douglaston, Long Tans Neto. Dear Valdos . Thenk you for the Christmas card to the Allens fron the Downeangs - of you Christmas fine, emi lire, Allen and T are cortainly happy sbout it. i went to thenk you for all the hours that you | oC i ois peak of soe to ds ak vou dids eit al Glad wee ak de as I will want to send you another bottle. I still use it, and I think it is Pines Be eure %o inform me when your supply $5 : We oot tmocled off by Calan lant Priaay night, which wes no great surprise Uo me.» i trust that the Bowsans are well. ihe in bow spiendidly Joh looked in the Gardens it must have been a great thrill for you to see western tess kuock those ee ens ee ee = mideh me iy or was it a river? ‘The Aliens love to the — Sincerely yours, Varpity Basketball Coache irs Maurice Le ! Tansas City, Kansase Dear Maurices I was happy to receive your good letter, and had I lnown' thet you and Mrs. Dreidenthal were in the audience I would certainly have locked you up, even though 1 was fooling pretty low after ou boys tossed the ball game efter we had 2% right in our ie a T gay thet wo really threw it ewye I. Se ee et ee ee special triangle play, which is ite stead of then huddline and tolling 4 boys what to do they didn't say a word, and the worst part about it was thet the very two boys I sent in aoe ee oe Bway « All of which reninds us that the boys seeke ing 2 college education do not get it in a day, or a wok, or @ month, or a your, 7 Remember the next time you come to Lawrende _ let me lmow. I certainly want to shake your paw end tell you a lot of fumny stories. With best wishes to the Breidenthals, I am Sincerely Yours» Whe SECURITY NATIONAL BANK Kansas City, Kansas January 10, 1938. Maurice L. Breidenthal President Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I was very glad, indeed, to receive your autographed copy of your new book — "Better Basketball." I have already read the human interest stories in the back of the book. These are all very good. I hope you have a big sale for the book and I am sure you will. We went up to the Oklahoma game the other night but had a flat tire and were late in getting there. We did not stay until the finish of the Freshman-1936 game, so missed the opportunity of seeing you that night. It was hard luck to lose the Oklahoma game after having stayed in front all of the time. Your team seems to be below your usual standard on defensive work under the basket. I thought the officiating was rather wierd at times. Unless Nebraska steps out and demonstrates that they are heads above the rest of the Conference teams, it looks like you will have a wild scramble. I am looking forward to having a good visit with you. I enjoyed reading the copy of the letter which you wrote to McBride and it probably was a good thing to get this in the record. Mrs. Breidenthal and I both commented on the fact that you were looking unusually well the other night. I believe that this change will probably add ten years to your life and give you an oppor tunity to enjoy some of the "passing show" as it goes past. With best wishes, I am Mr» Maurice Le Preidenthal, | Seourity Netional Bank, 5 isis dee lids Clhnlene ‘penn, sted ee Sk of December, but actually did not have time to autograph and ' madl the book to yous There is a little yarn in the back of the hock under the caytion of Tales of Yeuteryoarts the specific subject being “Listening for a Droning Plane", which gives you “only yartiel orodit for the fine part that you played in help. ang 5i11 Johnson defeat the Ollahanans, | ‘Since we are meeting then tonight this may have sane qaen of special siguificance. They may take it out on ue at 7330 pelts 2 ‘ahah Stu sou sitight Gnap das 40 oun Nom Of Gu ball games, Yaurice. It seems as if you and I have had great ee ee ee ee of our enjoyable There are so many things that I would like to to you, but it seems as if I never get the tind to drop in - gee yous IT believe I am busier now then I have ever} life, but much more pleasantly busy. I am sending you copy Of & letter tint I wrote UeBride on John Bunn's deat with foigh Willers This 4s entirely confidential, but I wanted you to imow how some of our good : ere ee ee on ee ee ey venhly, foek sorry for us, NOT. Lote of luk to you nurioe, ent te Adten's ove to your good tandtys Mr, James ly Bush, Pavillion High School, Pavillion, Wyonings Dear Mr» Bushs wane tats tees ves Gamma tate ta Srd regarding the book, "My Basketball Bible”. book te now out of pitty but 1 have recently published @ new book on basketball, a tee ee seit a Aga oe Book Company, of New Yorke This new text on basketball is up to date in every way, graphically illustrated, and comprehensive in every detail of the game. The pitice is 94,00, and if you will send me your cheok for that amowmt I will be clad to autograph the book and sent 1t to you postage prepaid. I an enclosing some ofrculars which will give you more information regarding “Better Basketball". matin, som toe, yet tomlin ond hening Ve ee re ~ * GEO, W. GROATHOUSE, CLERK mane SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 32 C. A. ELKINS, SUPERINTENDENT er 379 x PAVILLION, WYO. Lovet 0, Bem The Adjutant General, The War Department, Washington, De Ce Dear Sirs say Waster hc: Sebehoneny: dren a0 Yonareaiity Yansas, has asked me to write you comeerning his qualifications for your © eae May I say that I have known Mrs Herbert 5. Bullene ny yoarss Z have watehdd his grow up here in Lawrence, Kensase i have seen him go through the high sehool and have watched his progress during his undergraduate days here at the Taiversdty of Eanes Herbert Dullene cases fran a long Line of praxinent and substantial people in this states le is extremely courteous, has a fine personality, and in my opinion will devote himself seriously to the tack of his inspirations | I have talked to Herbert Bullene as a boy, and he has always desired to enter aviation. I an glad to recanend him to you, and I trust that he will be successful in rendering a greater service to his countrys I em sending you Aive questions for the use of your officials. a with my correspondences Iam not citing the rule in question, and you ean shape the ee ee ee ee le 2 sniiene lieid nee 4 0 Cel eh es - peferee or uupire, but not to the scorekeepers, The game procecds for two minutes without e score being made. In the next 30 seconds this player shoots a field goale At this jumeture, the opposifr-cap} tain discovers that there was something irreguler when this player entered the cance ee ee ee possible situations? 20 then two mo of the smo toes Inve the cane mubers on thet sheuld oall a foul how would you list it? Se Define (a) dri (b ( yi Bi deca bole, } sitnges coeiias § &) illegal 4e A dispute erises between the tw timekeepers. ‘The referee ea to designate the official timer. ‘hat is the referee to do pregtiesoaey ph the longer playing time or the shorter playing time? — Ss The referee has failed to designate the official scorers The two scoreleepers get into an argument, ome claiming teo points i the | “What should the referee do under the rules ~ in regard to the larger score or the smaller score? VALENTINE LENTZ, President St. John’s College, Annapolis, Md. Dr. FRANK P. MAGuIRE, Vice-President NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF APPROVED BASKETBALL OFFICIALS Grace W. SMITH Office Secretary 347 Madison Avenue, New York EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE VALENTINE LENTZ, President Dr. Frank P. Macuire, Vice-President Joun Brown, Jr., M.D., Exec. Sec. THos. WACHENFELD, Jr., Rec. Sec. CaLvin L. BoLsTER James E. Coocan Frank C. CorRrIGAN CLeMeNT M. Eyer Epw. M. KELLEHER OrreL J. MITCHELL H. A. PRENTICE D. LeRoy Tackett Joz L. Tosin Ws. G. WHARTON COMMITTEE ON POLICIES Dr. Frank P. Macutre, Chairman Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Public Instruction Harrisburg, Pa, OFFICIALS RATING BLANK Ciement M. Eyer, Chairman Milligan College, Milligan College, Tenn. RULES REVISION COMMITTEE CaLvin L. Boxster, Chairman Frick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. VISUALIZATION & TECHNIQUE OF OFFICIATING OrreL J. MITcHELL, Chairman 27 Eye St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Joun Brown, Jr., M.D., Executive Secretary Honorary Prosidons 347 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Epwarp M. KELLEHER THOMAS WACHENFELD, Jr., Recording Secretary at December 28, 1937. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Miles: We are planning to issue the Series "B" basketball examination for 1937-28, within the near future as we have had many requests for it, and the need is urgent. Will you cooperate by sending me, by return mail, at least five questions and answers - yes or no to-each. If you will cite the rule in ouestion, it will help considerably. Any help you can give at this time will be of practical service to our officials and will be much appreciated. I will refer the questions to Oswald Tower for his compilation of the examination. With the Season's greetings, Cordially yours, John Brown, Jr., M.D. ( jaxeeutive Secretary. VALENTINE LENTZ, President St. John’s College, Annapolis, Md. Dr. FRANK P. Macuire, Vice-President SES ae a ea eee Joun Brown, Jr., M.D., Executive Secretary Honorary President EpwarpD M. KELLEHER 347 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. THOMAS WACHENFELD. Jr., Recording Secretary NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF APPROVED BASKETBALL OFFICIALS Grack W. SMITH Office Secretary 347 Madison Avenue, New York EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE VALENTINE LENTZ, President Dr. Frank P. Macurre, Vice-President Joun Brown, Jr., M.D., Exec. Sec. THos. WACHENFELD, Jr., Rec. Sec. Cavin L. BoLster James E. Coocan Frank C, Corrican CLEMENT M. EyLer Epw. M. KELLEHER OrreL J. MITCHELL H. A, PRENTICE D. LeRoy Tackett Joz L. Tosin Wx. G. WHaRTON COMMITTEE ON POLICIES Dr. Frank P, Macutire, Chairman Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Public Instruction Harrisburg, Pa. OFFICIALS RATING BLANK Ciement M. Eyter, Chairman Milligan College, Milligan College, Tenn. RULES REVISION COMMITTEE Carvin L. Boxuster, Chairman Frick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. VISUALIZATION & TECHNIQUE OF OFFICIATING OrreEL J. MircHELL, Chairman 27 Eye St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 5 SBE es tinsigh aE a eas ARRAN Sta Na in Geant EN te gale eal AS oe 2 ale etn bh hick. September 15, 1937. Wir, Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Xansas. Dear Mr... Allen: We are preparing for our YES AND NO examinations based upon the 1957-28 Basketball rules. Your cooperation will be helpful if you will send to me at your earliest convenience, five questions and your answers to same - Yes or No. Be sure to frame all questions with the new rules in mind. Do not use "catch" questions. Clearly stated guestions, the answers to which should be known by every official, are desired. All questions are submitted to Oswald Tower for official review and editing in compiling those to be used in the list of forty which constitute the official test. Thanking you in advance, and with kindest personal regards, f i aie ‘ Brown, Jv., M.D. Cordially yours, _, Sibu aE A atin at ie ase S08 ase CRE pHi OIE NS A eg epee ERE Ms 2a 0S aloak eoeitnge OEE Je Bole RE aes lad San Hel ate ca Oe eS a tc IY eee aa ks : ? September 24, 1937. Dr, John Brown, Ire, Nationa), Association of _ Approved Basketball Officials, 347 Madison Avenue, New York City, H.Y. Dear Dr, Brown: Your kind favor of the 16th instant received. In ovr rush of enroliment and classification I have neglected to answer your istter as promptly as I had desired, However, I am following your in-« structions carefully and will be gled to comply with them in werd and epirit,. Wishing you the season’s grestings, and with kindest personel regards, I sm Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education BXAMINATION QUESTIONS BASKETBALL FOR MEN--- Course BO : I A substitute player goes on the floor and reports to the referee hy Ba peorn ‘ or umpire, The game proceeds for two minutes without a score being made. In the next thirty seconds this player shoots a field goal. At this juricture, the opposing captain discovers that there was some-— thing irregular when this pleyer entered the game. What is the duty of the referee under the several possible situations? Hbleborete.— , Lt When two men of the same team have the same numbers on their jerseys what should the referee do ifcethe opposing captain demands that a foul be called on one of these two men? If you think that the referee should call a foul how would you Liet it: rit What authority does the umpire have in a game of basketball? IV Is it necessary that a player be notified when heihas:made three personal fouls? — Vv Give the situations when it is necessary for the referee to de- cide in favor of (a) the smaller score, (b) the longer playing time. These situations refer to disputes arising over scores and playing time. 4 | VI When may a member of either team call timeout, legally? Vand e Ff we i i V 7 T AW Define (a) legal dribble, (bo) an illegal dribble, (e) illegal starting of the dribble, (d) legal starting of the dribble. ee a pie before a game with your traditional opponents. You are the coach. inspiration. time, (c) game time, (d) after—game periods and recreational as well Witt Give a model of a talk to your boys in the dressing room just Use the first person form of address and omit nothing that will ene able your team to have the advantage of strategy, fundamentals, and IX Outline the coach's responsibilities to the team on a three-game trip. Cover (a) the time that the team is traveling, (b) pre-game as serious—business periods. Should team members be allowed to visit friends and relatives on trips? Why or why not? | ? X ove in detail your ee of what benefit the coach whould derive in the way of compensation fom his association with young men. State Tees ideas of what the coach's moral and intellectual equipment should beibefore he should assume the responsibilities of such a position. What should his attitude be toward the community , the faculty, the stu- dents, and the team? February 5, 1958. site, Ateliae du, Seelam, The Aetna Casualty ani Surety Cos, Hartford, Comme “Doar lire Browaen: é Shai 14 ini sas tae were coid bakes ot tn Sk Biba You have paid me a very high compliment, and I appreciate it very. muche I took your letter home and read it to my good family, which now consists of Mrss Allen, Robert Farl, ny sal, ond Eleanor, my youngest daughter. Jane, my middle daughter, is at Stanford, having graduated from here, and Mary, my eldest daughter, is in Louisville, Kentucky, with her husband and three childrens ‘Malton 4s married end lives at Fussell, Kansas. He is with the . Stenolind 011 Company, which is a subsidiary of the Standard. Last woek Hilton's home was blessed by the addition of a young daughter, and they are very happy about ite Ses seni ba A chee ing on a team out there, but his chiefest interest is with the | Stanolind Companys iI expect to write Milton in a very short while, and I will tell him the Pine things that you had to say about hine ‘You imow, those incidents always ripen into beautiful reflections, ee ee ee ee See may very leney Seen eee tee the little misunde ndinge os ee Saat ee eee ee and I want you to iow that I appreaiate it. + Genes Mhaet yon lave teed Jant were Gans nk oe ces We have lost two our of 14, but of course our competition has not been toc tough, so all in all we have had a very good seasons : With kindest persomal regards and best wishes, I am : ‘ Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FOAAH Varsity Basketball Coache lite on -O. Burnside, Carpenter co ake Company, Oklahoma City, Okle.s | Dear C.0.Be: fae sei sine ‘oey seas thie ay neiies oh dummies 0c I ealled lrse Allon immediately on receipt of your letter and read her yours as well es Clauie Mormet's letter over the phones ye digi scsi $e Cob, but we have a youmg daughter who is a high school, and a son, Bobby, S Hecunn 14 tw See, and she stilk fosie she must mother thes for & few yearn 0 | She has never left home when the young- sheen wars!'tn seheel, and the jut tnt wine Sanat Se that point. I perhaps should admit that after talking with her I perhaps put a damper on her going by calling attention ee AMGSe | t sscld att balk nite tis Seek. | cen have 2 light work-out Seturdey, which will be the only — | timo that we will heve before leaving for Amose y Chg $¢ mas swell af you to ask us to your howe, and nothing woult delight us more. : while you were in class together | enjoyed the hospitality of the Burnsidess Sv, it is a hundred per cent regret to a mmdred per cent host and hostesss fey Please do mot think 4 is benstine shen t tell you thet I think we should heve whipped the Bonners at Lawrence, and I am really counting on taking then dow there, elthough we may get fooled. It is my frank opinion, but a confidential one, end I am not boasting when I say that we should have whipped them 12 to 15 points here at Lawreme. We just threw the ball geme amey. But that is over the dan now, and we won't worry. ee Please consider this entirely confidential ) I would be glad to have you drop me a li occasionally as to the progress of the Soonerse I find 1 ¢ depend much more on your information than any other that comes to me concerning theme Se Thanks for the hotel informations I had no conviction whatsoever that we wanted to stay there, but you have settled that for uss We will be at the same old stands | ; Very sincerely your's, Diveotor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach» VS/h sith N WA J