Urs Lewis 8. Bullock, Greenville, North Carolina. Dear Mr» Bullocks We were happy to receive your letter of the 15th instent telling us thet you arrived safely home. You carried many good wishes for you end your choir and there was much sympathy for you when you left Lawrence. You were mighty game in carrying on when many people would have leid them selves up as casualties. I wish I might have the opportunity now of looking you over once more and endeavoring to get that slight limp eliminated altocether. I am enclosing a small good will honorarium for yous Bhile this is much too modest for the kindmesses that you exerted, I am sending it to you and Hrs. Bullock trusting thet you will buy _ something for your ows personal selves. With good wishes to all of you and trusting thet you will not forget us at any time you should happen through Lawrence, Kansas, I an Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Bducation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach.