ams’ Cavatorta straight of the the sub feature, at ride purse of « LIEUTENANT. to Ft. Schuyler volunteer specialist ee office of naval Olean Of tne-cv Ty Seg McLish, Jarvis and Morgarfy we A friend. fr the air depot was trying o out anc. Wanted company,on over to the Dodgers’ tryout camp 4i|, Tulsa last fell, “just for the ride™! ee Th ‘|the trip. They got jobs and he didn’é. SPLIT A CAGE MELON. Hight Teams in N, C. Ne-Gsc4. Ac: Meets Share $21,083. CoLUMBUs, a2 June 3. (AP)—a|- profit of $21,083 was divided among eight basketball teams which par- ticipated in the annual National Collegiate Athletic association bas- ketball tournaments this spring, H. G. Olsen, coach at Ohio State uni- versity and chairman of the tourna- ment committee, reported today. Olsen said, the teers pis &| played at Kansas City and di .|Square Garden in New York, were |$ the most successful of any yet held, with the net profit amounting to $26,029. The N. C. A. A. took about $5,000 of the tctal and the remainder was split among the teams. : “The univer, sities of Utah and Dart- meuth, tournament. finalists, got $3,513 each; Pepperdine college, the|i University of Missouri, Iowa State, ‘|Ohio State, Catholic University and Temple got $2,432 each. Olsen ‘said a post-tournament game between Utah, the N. C. A. A. victor. and D tmouth, winner jof the metfopo ‘| cleared $43,000. oat Orne to the’ : ae ony subs? ABRs. C of 7 - ‘ ere itan “invitational, ; ASISn. ss! Fallon,2b Wi Litwhiler hits—Adai society, > Hamble the fasté nation. — De. Spain, Air Base -@